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Week 8 - WB 1st June

It's a new learning week in a new half term - the last half term before the Summer holidays!

The learning this week has been planned by Miss Potter and Eryn! She has chosen one of her favourite stories and planned some very exciting activities for you to do too.

Don't forget to send your learning to Miss Potter!

Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

Read from our own classroom...

Monday 1st June 2020

Writing: Last week we looked at ‘onomatopoeia’. Today we are going to recap on these special words in a different context. This will help us to make sure we have a really good understanding.

  • Watch the video of Miss Potter reading ‘Room on the Broom’ - if you have a copy at home, perhaps you can read it too!
  • Rewatch the video on ‘onomatopoeia’:
  • Watch the learning video and complete the activity:


Phonics: Bonus activity! Watch the video:


Maths: There is a link to the White Rose website below (you will need to click on the right year group).

Year 1:


Year 2: 




At the end of the story, the witch tells her new friends that she is grateful. What are you grateful for?

Create a list of all the things that you are grateful for!

Miss Potter is grateful for: the emails that Moles send me, lots of extra cuddles with my kitty, the sunshine, burgers cooked on the BBQ!

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Writing: What is a rhyming word? Let’s recap on this together with our new learning video...

  • Re-watch the video of Miss Potter reading ‘Room on the Broom’!
  • Watch the learning video and complete the activity:
  • Can you complete the challenge Miss Potter set in the video? I wonder which Mole can think of the most words...


Maths: There is a link to the White Rose website below (you will need to click on the right year group).

Year 1:


Year 2: 




Let’s look at balance! The sun is shining so head outside and practise balancing. Can you balance on one leg? One arm and one leg? Two arms and NO legs?!

Challenge: Can you balance on a broom, just like the witch does in the story? ß This video can help you!

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Writing: We have done lots of work on ‘verbs’ at school. Can you remember what a verb is?

  • Re-watch the video of Miss Potter reading ‘Room on the Broom’! Can you spot any of the verbs in the story? Make a list.
  • Watch the learning video and complete the activity:


Maths: There is a link to the White Rose website below (you will need to click on the right year group).

Year 1:


Year 2: 



Outdoor Learning:

Make a potion just like a witch would. Head outside with an empty jar and use things you can find on the ground to create a potion. What will your potion be for? A friendship potion? A potion that makes you green?!

Challenge: Write a recipe to go with your potion.

Thursday 4th June 2020

Writing: Julia Donaldson needs our help! We are designing a new page for the story. Use your knowledge from the previous writing activities to help you.


Maths: There is a link to the White Rose website below (you will need to click on the right year group).

Year 1:


Year 2: 




Create your own bog monster! Have a go at creating your own crazy bog monster - just like in the story!

You could draw your own or explore this website:

Friday 5th June 2020

Writing: Eryn would like you to design your own broom just like the witch does at the end of the story!

  • Re-watch the video of Miss Potter reading ‘Room on the Broom’!
  • Watch the learning video and complete the activity:
  • Send me an email so I can share it with our new teacher; Miss Eryn.


Maths: Maths Games Friday!

Job 1: Find a broom!

Job 2: Can you use a Venn Diagram to sort objects into groups that are smaller than the broom and larger than the broom?

Job 3: Ask your grownup to download the app ‘Measure’. Have a go at measuring things in your home. Did you know my cat is 70cm long?!


Flashlight Friday:

On a normal Friday at school, we would spend some time getting cosy with books. Can you do the same at home? Find your favourite stories, a blanket and a teddy, shut the curtains, turn on the torch and get reading! It’s the perfect end to the week.
