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Week Seven: 22nd February 2021

This week's timetable


Monday 22nd February 


Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's Literacy lesson. We are beginning a new unit called Holes; this is based on an exciting book :-)

Please could you complete Lesson one: To engage with the text. 


Please follow the link for today's lesson on decimals the complete the work from the worksheet below.  Look at the bottom of the Maths worksheets and only answer the page which I have selected for you (see which letters your initials are next to here):






Once you have finished your page, mark your work and send it in THEN go back to the PowerPoint and complete the blue independent slides.


For today's lesson, I would like you to  develop your gymnastic skills - ROCK AND ROLL GYMNASTICS. Have fun!


Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's P.S.H.E lesson. The next 5 lessons will be based on 'Eat Well, Live Well'. Please could you complete Lesson five: images in the media. You will need to watch the video and then complete the quiz :)


Tuesday 23rd February 


Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's Literacy lesson.  Please could you complete Lesson two: To analyse setting.


Please follow the link for today's lesson on decimals the complete the independent slides on the PowerPoint.  There is an extension sheet for GD.


Once you have finished your page, mark your work and send it to me :-)


Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's double R.E lessons. 

We are beginning a new unit of study today - Sikhism.  Please could you complete Lesson two: Who were the ten gurus? You will need to watch the video and then complete the quiz :)


Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's D&T lesson. 

We are beginning a new topic called Cooking and Nutrition: Healthy and Varied Diets.  Please could you complete Lesson two: Using research to develop design criteria. You will need to watch the video and complete the activities when asked.


Wednesday 24th February 


Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's Literacy lesson.  Please could you complete Lesson three: To analyse character (part 1).


Please follow the link for today's lesson on decimals the complete the work from the worksheet Equivalent FDP (with answers).  Look at the bottom of the Maths worksheets and only answer the page which I have selected for you (see which letters your initials are next to here):


Page 1 - OD, JM, LL, AH, AT, SW, EI

Page 2 - AB, GK, HH, FM, MM, OG, BB, ED, FW, PDS, LMG, TV, TG

Page 3 - JT, ES, GS, EW, CT, WG, MB, NM (there is an extension sheet for GD)


Once you have finished your page, mark your work and send it in.  You can then extend yourself and have a go at an extension worksheet :-)


Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's History lesson. Please could you complete two lessons: Lesson nine: What were the great accomplishments of the Shang Dynasty? You will need to watch the video and then complete the quiz :)


Thursday 25th February 

SPaG - Grammar

Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's SPaG lesson. Please could you complete Lesson one: To explore word class. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)

SPaG - Spelling

Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's spelling lesson. Please could you complete Lesson two: To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes: plural including a test. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)


Please follow the link for today's lesson on decimals the complete the independent slides on the PowerPoint.  There is an extension sheet for GD.


Once you have finished your page, mark your work and send it to me.  THEN challenge yourself and have a go at the GD page :-)


Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's Music lesson. The next 6 music lessons will be based on the unit 'Rhythm 1'. Please could you complete Lesson one: Understanding pulse and rhythm. You will need to watch the video and then complete the worksheet :)


Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's French lesson. The next 4 French lessons will be based on the unit 'Où habites-tu?'. Please could you complete Lesson one: Saying your nationality. You will need to watch the video and then complete the worksheet :)


Friday 26th February 

Feel Good Friday

Today is our second Feel Good Friday day and, today, we want you to spend as much time away from your screens as possible.


All you need to do is choose:

  • 1 activity from the ZEN HOUR row;
  • 1 activity from the GENIUS HOUR row;
  • 1 activity from the FITNESS HOUR row;
  • 1 activity from the MAKER HOUR row.


Please can you upload your photos on Google Classroom of each activity (and on the stream if you want your friends to see).  I look forward to seeing all of activities you choose.

