Good morning Badgerinos!
It's Thursday already! This week has just flown by. Today we have a whole class Google Meet at 9:30. I would like you to bring or tell me about something you enjoying doing with your family. We also have a Group D meeting at 2:45. I would also like to rearrange Group A's meeting to 2:15 today, as we didn't get to meet on Monday as you were out enjoying the snow. This way you all get a chance to speak and share you learning with me.
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Miss A
I am organising a video chat with a Hindu but I need some questions to ask them.
I need your help. What questions would you like to ask a Hindu? It can
be anything you like, maybe about what they believe or why they act
the way they do.
Any ideas you have, send them to your class teacher or to me:
Have a lovely lesson,
Mrs Sherrington
Have a read of the census PowerPoint and have a go at the activities. I would love to see some photos if you can.