I hope you had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed a little bit of time off. I certainly did.
I hope you are ready and excited to get stuck into this weeks home learning. Please continue to send me photos and work for me to see. I have loved hearing from you all. I have put lots of photos on here for you all to see each other. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems!
Work hard, stay safe and keep making me proud.
I can't wait to hear from you all.
Miss Anderson
I know lots of you have been little busy Badgers and painted some stones to hide around the village! They certainly cheered me up whilst walking around the village and spotting them all! Be sure to look out for them on walks with your families!
How many can you spot? Can you paint some to hide for other people to spot too?
Well done kiddos! 🦡
Miss Anderson