Trip to Euston Estate to plant Christmas Trees
This Friday, we were lucky enough to wake up to a ground full of snow -
the perfect setting to plant our Christmas trees!
After a fun ride on the trailer to the Estate, we warmed up around the
fire singing our favourite Christmas songs.
After that, we had fun playing in the woodlands and planting our very own Christmas tree saplings - Norwegian Spruces! We watched Mr Hawthorne and Ian (the farmer) show us how to place all of the roots into the ground and then carefully push the earth around the tree back in with our heels, to ensure that the sapling was firmly in the ground.
We learnt that we would be 12 years old by the time our Christmas trees were as big as the one we could see in the field (far too big to fit in our houses)! We cant wait to revisit when we are in Key Stage 2, to see how big our trees have grown!
We then came back together around the fire to enjoy a delicious treat of mashmallows!
Before one last challenge...who could find the biggest or longest stick!
Back in the classroom, the children enjoyed using the Christmas Tree cuttings to paint, as shelters for the animals in small world play, in their playdough and even as part of our classroom decoration! Our trip also inspired the children's writing...we had a story of an exploding sparkly Christmas tree and some fantastic Christmas tree cards!
Trip to the Farm to see the Pigs
This term, we have been celebrating our wonderful world and all of the special things on it, so today we enjoyed a trip to the farm.
We all wrapped up warm and climbed onto the trailer. The ride to the farm was so much fun!
We saw pheasants, seagulls, tractors and many other things that I'm sure the
Hedgehogs will tell you about!
Once we arrived at the pigs, the tractor stopped for us to take a closer look!
We were so excited to see that there were mummy pigs (sows) and their piglets were there.
We asked some great questions and learnt so much from Mr Hawthorne!
Natty asked, how old are they?
We couldn't believe it! Some of the Mummy pigs were the same age as us - 5! The piglets were only 2 weeks old.
Emily asked, when do they sleep?
Mr Hawthorne explained that the pigs sleep when it is dark. And they like to sleep in their huts!
Cole asked, how many babies do they have?
Each Sow normally has around 10 piglets, 3 times a year!