Our vision for all in our school is to Inspire, Cherish and Believe in each person that they might flourish and fulfil their potential.
We live this out in school like this verse from the Gospel of John 15:5:
Jesus said ‘I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.’
Our six values (Hope, Thankfulness, Friendship, Compassion, Justice and Forgiveness) chosen by our school community, underpin our teaching and learning, behaviour and expectations in our school.
Our six values are at the heart of our curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to support each child to be a hopeful, compassionate learner demonstrating friendship towards others and recognising the need for justice and forgiveness in our world.
The child is at the heart of all we do, as professionals we create a learning environment which nourishes and nurtures children's mind, body and soul to develop a happy, healthy and well rounded citizen of the world.
Our curriculum is rooted in our local context; learning from the productive, historic, and environmentally diverse area around us. Branching out from this our curriculum explores our national and global community, developing children’s understanding and appreciation of the wider world, through exposure to and experiencing a range of different careers, faiths, beliefs and pathways into the future.
We know that children remember knowledge content if they are able to make links, weave together and build on their prior learning, enabling them to go forwards with confidence to tackle complex and deep lifelong learning.
Our curriculum provision has been developed with a clear intent to:
* Provide a broad and balanced programme of study that meets the needs of all of our children
* Enable all children to flourish and fulfil their true potential
* Develop a strong acquisition of knowledge and vocabulary
* Promote good behaviour, safety and welfare.
* Support children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
A knowledge-based curriculum
Our ambitious curriculum is designed with knowledge at its heart to ensure that our children develop a profound vocabulary base, understanding of the world and a deep love of learning. Our curriculum promotes long-term learning and we believe that progress means knowing more and remembering more.
Our curriculum development has been inspired by current research on how memory works, to ensure that children are taught in a way in which they can remember and securely build upon on their knowledge and understanding in future years.
We have designed our curriculum to provide children with opportunities to use and apply their knowledge and skills in real life contexts and environments, particularly outdoors.
We have adopted Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP) as our fundamental curriculum strategy and this outline core content in a spaced and interleaved sequence for Science, History, Geography, Art and DT. This is constructed with a long-term sequence that is supported by evidence-led modules and high-quality resources that clearly outline what pupils should know, be able to do and remember at key points throughout their primary education.
CUSP reading and writing form the basis of our English curriculum. An evidence informed, meticulously sequenced curriculum which maps core content in reading and writing across the primary journey, ensuring that learning is revisited, rehearsed and enhanced over time so that pupils commit their understanding to long term memory.
All CUSP subjects have been built around evidence-led practice in the fields of education and cognitive science.
Maths | White Rose |
Phonics | Little Wandle |
Writing | CLUSP |
Reading | CLUSP |
Science | CUSP |
History | CUSP |
Geography | CUSP |
Art & Design | CUSP |
Design & Technology | CUSP |
Music | Charanga |
Computing | Keychain Computing |
PSHE | Scarf |
RE | The Emmanuel Project Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich |
At Barnham CEVC Primary School we aim to build on and extend the new National Curriculum. In doing so, we strive for curriculum breadth, balance and coherence.
Our innovative curriculum has been designed to fit and meet the needs of our own learners.
As a team we have designed our curriculum to meet our collective aims and aspirations for a curriculum that allows children to:
* have empathy and consideration
* be inspired - have a hunger for learning
* engage in real, purposeful learning experiences
* explore and learn in depth
* develop life long social and communication skills
* be immersed in learning through the outdoor environment
* create, invent and imagine
* be challenged through engagement and enjoyment