Make a Boat
With Miss Flower
(Approx. 30 mins – 8 mins teaching, 22 mins activity)
Watch the 'making a boat' video with Miss Flower (8 mins)
Join in with the video when prompted
Using the ‘My boat design worksheet’ draw a picture of the boat you want to make.
Underneath write a list of the items you need to use to make your boat – don’t forget about scissors/ glue. The worksheet is double-sided only fill in the first page (planning the boat) (10 mins)
There is a separate worksheet for year 1 children to use –the second page differs (which will be used during the following lesson)
Go on a hunt around your house to find objects to help you build your boat – perhaps take a look in your recycling bin
Build your boat using your plan and the resources you have found (10 mins)
Test your boat on water
How many objects can it hold? (2 mins)
Worksheet or paper, pencils
Device to watch video
Recycling or other materials to make a boat
Glue, Tape, Scissors
Objects to put inside the boat eg lego pieces, plastic people etc