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Blue writing (except links) is Year 1 work/extension



(Approx. 30 mins – 12 min teaching video, 20 mins activity)

  • Watch Miss Sutton’s video.
  • We need to make a ‘wanted’ poster to describe the gingerbread man to help the police!
  • Can you describe what he looks like?
  • Draw a picture of what it looks like, add labels.
  • Can you describe his character? E.g. cheeky, speedy runner.
  • Can you use the word AND like last week?


  • Create your own ‘wanted’ gingerbread man poster.
  • Write a description of the gingerbread man including adjectives to describe his character and appearance.


  • Pencils
  • Wanted poster template (not necessary but may be handy as reference)
  • Device to watch video



Maths (Reception)

(Approx. 30 mins)

  • Watch this video: ‘Session 2’ (Light and dark – week 3) (7mins)


  • How many dots are there? Answer as quickly as you can again!
  • Spot the shapes in the pictures!
  • Go on a shape hunt around the house or on your walk – talk about how you know it is that shape e.g. the number of corners or sides it has.
  • If you already did this yesterday, set yourselves a challenge today! E.g. who can find the most squares? Who can find the first shape with 4 corners?


  • Device to watch video
  • Shape hunt recording sheet (not essential but available if you need it)


Maths (Year One)

(Approx. 30 mins)

  • Watch this video: ‘Subtraction – finding the difference’ (top left video) (8mins)


Activity/ Resources:

  • Paper, pencils
  • Device to watch video
  • Separate sheet (Yr1 Wednesday Maths warm up + worksheet)



(Approx.  20mins)

Jenson’s game of musical letters:

  1. Write all of the digraphs that we have learnt at home so far, onto pieces of paper: th/ee/oa/oo/oo/ar/qu/igh/
  2. Write down some tricky troll words too! You could even draw pictures of shapes or write words with our new digraphs in.
  3. Spread them out on the floor and put on the music!
  4. When the music stops, jump onto a word and read it out! The winner is the person that gets their card correct and collects the most cards!

