Hello Foxes!
How are you all? I have had a really busy week planning, filming, reading the amazing work you have completed at home and delivering Easter eggs. I hope you all liked you surprise visit this week and I am sorry I didn't get to see you all (but I have had updates about you all from all of the staff).
This week, I want you to make sure that you are practising your times tables on TTRockstars for at least 15 minutes a day. If you need to move up levels then let me know and I will do this for you. I have added a video of the 7 times table for you to learn with me as I know this is a tricky one. Here are the colours of Times Table Mountain to remind you:
We love to see all of the things you have been up to so keep sending me over your photos and I will add them to our webpage:
I know that these are tricky times and many of you will be missing your friends but I am so proud of how well you are all doing. Keep going!
Take care,
Mrs Bird
Maths - Multiply 2-digit number by 1 digit number (Lesson 1)
History - Henry VIII's Great Matter (lesson 2)
SPaG - Using apostrophes to show possession
Times Tables
Spellings - suffix -ly
Maths - Multiply 3-digit number by 1 digit number (Lesson 2)
Geography - Contours, keys and symbols
SPaG - Using inverted commas to show speech
Times Tables
Spellings - suffix -ly
Morning Foxes!
Your first task this morning is to complete the sheet below (called 'WoW Moments') and send it back to me, if you haven't already done so. I need your 'WoW moments', 'This year I have enjoyed ...', 'I feel I am really good at...' and 'I would like to get better at ...' so I can add them to your reports. It will only take a few minutes to complete. Thank you!
Maths - Divide 2-digit by 1-digit number (Lesson 3)
Science - What is reflection and how can we use it?
SPaG - Exploring Fronted Adverbial
Times Tables
Spellings - suffix -ly
Maths - Divide 3 digit by 1-digit number (Lesson 4)
RE - Hinduism
SPaG - Using paragraphs correctly
Times Tables
Spellings - suffix -ly
Maths - Friday Challenge! (Lesson 5)
Music - Pulse and Rhythm
SPaG -
Times Tables
Spellings - suffix -ly