Please check this page weekly, it will be updated with your learning to complete at home. You can share your learning with me by email:
Mole Class Home Learning Each week, there will be different challenges to complete at home. You can email your learning to me: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we recapped lots of the sounds we already know. Can you complete the games on Spelling Shed? |
Writing |
This week we have been writing lists. Can you help your grown-ups this week and write a list for them? Perhaps they need help with the shopping list or list of all the things they need to do for Christmas? |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
There are two challenges set on Maths Shed, please complete them! We have been look at division this week. Here are some online games: Remember that dividing is when we share equally. |
Mole Class Home Learning Each week, there will be different challenges to complete at home. You can email your learning to me: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: ew, are, aw, tricky words |
Writing |
Today, we wrote descriptions of the snow! Can you write any sentences about the snow? Remember to include you senses. Challenge: Can you use an expanded noun phrase? The glistening, gleaming snow fell softly to the ground. |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
There are two challenges set on Maths Shed, please complete them! We have been look at multiplication this week. Here are some online games: |
Mole Class Home Learning Each week, there will be different challenges to complete at home. You can email your learning to me: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: aw, i-e, ey, ue |
Writing |
This week we have been writing recounts and looking at time connectives. Can you write a recount of something that you have done over the weekend? Time connectives: Firstly, secondly, after that, next, finally etc. |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
We are very lucky to be trialling Maths Shed (you can download it for free and use your Spelling Shed log in.
There should be two Maths challenges to complete! Please let me know if this has worked! |
Mole Class Home Learning Each week, there will be different challenges to complete at home. You can email your learning to me: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: ph, wh, igh, i-e |
Writing |
We have been looking at non-fiction texts this week and looking at the vocabulary used (caption, title, subheading, facts). Can you find out anymore facts on bears? |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
In our Maths learning this week, we have started learning about subtraction. Here are some Maths games to continue practising at home: Tricky: Simple: |
Mole Class Home Learning Each week, there will be different challenges to complete at home. You can email your learning to me: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: ay, ea, oy, ew |
Writing |
We have been looking at traditional tales (focussing on Goldilocks and the Three Bears) but we have also looked at the Three Little Pigs. Can you remember the story? Can you sequence it in the right order? |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
In our Maths learning this week, we have started learning about subtraction. Here are some Maths games to continue practising at home: Tricky: Simple: |
Mole Class Home Learning Each week, there will be different challenges to complete at home. You can email your learning to me: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: ear, air, ure and ur |
Writing |
In our writing this week we have been sequencing the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ Can you retell the story? You could do it in pictures, sentences or even act it out! |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
In our Maths learning this week, we have been looking at column addition. Here are some Maths games to continue practising at home: Tricky: Simple: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: ear, air, er |
Writing |
In our writing this week we have been using conjunctions. We looked at the story the Three Little Pigs from different perspectives. Whose side are you on? Can you use a conjunction to give a reason as to why you’re on someone’s side? I am on ______ side because… |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
In our Maths learning this week, we have been looking at simple addition. Here are some Maths games to continue practising at home Simple: Tricky: |
We learn five sounds a week. Each week, the Spelling Shed games match the sounds we learnt in class. This week we learnt: ur, or, ar, oi, ow |
Writing |
In our writing this week we have been using adjectives. An adjective is a describing word. Can you choose someone at home to write some sentences about? Can you use any adjectives? |
In Mole Class, we are practising our 10x and 5x. If a question says 3 x 5, we know that we have to count in fives, three times. Remember you can challenge Miss Potter on TT Rockstars! |
Maths |
In our Maths learning this week, we have been comparing and ordering numbers. Here are some Maths games to continue practising at home: |