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Week 7 (18.05.20)



Have you seen the latest video from all of the adults at school?


Don’t forget to look at what your friends have been up to!


It was great to be able to speak to so many of you on the phone last week! You are all doing a super job, keep going! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before we are all back together!


Reading – If possible, children should read to an adult daily in addition to the below:


  • Have your favourite book read to you by an adult.
  • Point out all of the tricky words.
  • Then, read your own book to an adult, can your adults find the tricky words, or do you need to help them?


  • Make a cosy reading den like our cave at school.
  • Add some cushions or blankets to make it really comfy.
  • Read some of your favourite stories in there!
  • Extension: Can you complete a book review? The template is here:


  • Talk about which words rhyme/sound the same.
  • Extension: Make a list of the rhyming words.


  • Talk about which words rhyme/sound the same.
  • Extension: Can you make up your own poem? It can be a silly one!



Tricky words this week: his / her / has




  • PAUSE the video when Greg rings the bell. What do you think is going to happen?
  • Draw a secret symbol so that the Grand Old Duke of Cheese can find his soldiers.
  • Extension: Why is it called the ‘tumble down tree’? Write a story about how the Grand Old Duke of Cheese finds his soldiers.


  • Who do you think uses the mini motorbike in the woods?
  • Can you count up to 3 in a different language?
  • Can you count up to 5 in animals? Make your own way of counting!
  • Send me a video of your super counting!
  • Extension: Can you count backwards from 20? Remember your teen numbers (eighteen, seventeen). Next, you could make your own number line - record numbers from 20 to 0.


  • Can you read Bob the Brick’s secret words before Greg tells you what they are?
  • What word is hiding under Bob?
  • Write your own 4 secret words, symbol or numbers and hide them!
  • Extension: Write 4 secret sentences and hide these! Can anyone find them and read them?


  • PAUSE the video, what do you think that the secret symbol means today?
  • PAUSE the video, what other words rhyme with cat? Cat, sat, pat…
  • What other words rhyme with cow? cow, now, bow…
  • What other words rhyme with fish? fish, dish, wish…
  • Talk about words that rhyme with lip or jump.
  • Extension: Record a list of the rhyming words. You could use these to make your own rhyming poem like the ones that you read yesterday and today for reading!


  • Listen to Greg telling the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Have a tea party. First, write a menu with a list of the food and drinks at the tea party. Second, write invitations to your family to invite them to your tea party. Finally, lay out the write number of plates and cups for everyone.




  • Play ‘what's on the tray’ – lay all of the items out and cover with a tea towel. Remove one item – can they guess what it was? Take it in turns to remove items and guess what has been removed!


  • Repeat Monday’s activity with a new sound.
  • Write a sentence using one of the words.


  • Repeat Monday’s activity with a new sound.
  • Say a sentence with the missing object e.g. shoe – I put on my bright pink sparkly shoe.




Reception sounds this week: y / z / sh           Year 1 sounds this week: ure / oi / ow


Use Hedgehogs class page to remind the children of how we learnt the sound and the rhyme and action to go with it:




  • Reception: Play Counting > 1 to 10.
  • Year one: Play Ordering > Largest to smallest > 1 to 10
  • Extension Reception: Play Matching > 1 to 10.
  • Extension Year one: Complete the gingerbread man addition page here:

Check that your numbers are the correct way around.


Reception: Number bonds > Up to 10 > Make 10.

Year one: Number bonds > Up to 20 > Addition within 20.

Extension Year 1: Number bonds > Subtraction within 20.


  • Year one: Level 3 – still encourage your child to talk about properties as above.


  • Go on a shape hunt – look for things inside or outside the house and add them to your sheet here:
  • For example, your front door may be a rectangle, cushions – square etc. Year one could think about 3D shapes too, e.g. apple – sphere, baked beans – cylinder.




Weekly Learning Project and extra ideas to enhance children's play and learning

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about celebrations.


Family Photographs

  • Look over a selection of photographs of family celebrations and discuss them with your child.
  • Talk about what the celebration was about, who attended, what you did to celebrate, when it took place, whether it is an event that happens each year.
  • Can your child remember the event taking place? What do they remember of it?


Plan a family celebration:

  • Decide on a family celebration for the week. This could be a family indoor picnic, meal, dance etc.
  • Ask your child to write invitations to family members in your house.
  • Create homemade decorations using coloured paper (If you do not have coloured paper at home, you could use old newspaper or wrapping paper) You could make paper chains or bunting.
  • Plan a menu for the party and make the food together.



  • Talk to your child about when they were born.
  • Look at photographs of the day they were born, if you have them available.
  • Do they know the date of their birthday?
  • Why are we special? Talk about what makes your child special! Look in a mirror and tell yourself why you are special and why people love you just the way you are!


Create a celebration card for someone you love

  • What will they put on the front?
  • Will it be pictures or will they write a birthday poem?
  • Can they use different materials to design their celebration card? e.g. paint, recycling, pencils, sticks etc.
  • Inside, write about why you love them.


Bake a cake:

  • Weigh out the ingredients and bake a cake for a celebration.
  • Can they write the instructions and send them to a friend?
  • Can they take a photo themselves and then help you to send me a photo of their cake and instructions?


