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Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility.  Barnham CEVC Primary recognises that the welfare of every one of our children is paramount - the needs and wishes of the children will be put first. We take our duty to protect children seriously and will promote the welfare of those in our care as a matter of the highest priority.


At Barnham CEVC Primary, we are committed to safeguarding children. Our first priority is your child's welfare and we will usually discuss any concerns we might have about your child with you.  There might be rare occasions, however, when we have to provide information to or consult other agencies such as Children's and Young People before we contact you.  Our responsibility to do so is determined by the Inter-Agency Safeguarding Procedures, which can be found on the Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board website.


If you want to know more about these, or the school's child protection procedures, please speak to a member of the Designated Safeguard Team.

If you have any concerns regarding the safety of a child or adult please call:


01842 890253 and ask to speak to the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)


Designated Safeguarding Team
