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Week 9 (08.06.20)



Hi Hedgehogs,

I am back in school full time now so may not be as speedy replying to you, but keep your photos, Tapestry uploads and emails coming, and I will get back to you as soon as possible!


If you would like to speak to me, give school a call and I will get back to you as soon as I can J

01842 890253


Reading – If possible, children should read to an adult daily in addition to the below:


  • Find a torch and read a book somewhere in the dark!
  • Talk about how the setting in your book e.g. forest, jungle, fairyland, hairdressers etc.
  • Talk about where your favourite place to be is. Why is it your favourite? How do you feel when you are there?


  • Find a book at home about people.
  • What people are in the book? Do you like this story? Why or why not?
  • Look for all of the words that describe what the people are doing – these are called verbs! e.g. running, jumping, dancing!
  • Extension: Can you complete a book review? The template is here:
  • Extension: Can you make a list of verbs that you find in the book?


  • Talk about which words rhyme/sound the same.
  • Perform it to your family, remember to smile!
  • Extension: Make a list of the rhyming words e.g high, try


  • Make a bookmark.
  • Maybe you could decorate it with all of your favourite characters.
  • You could even write some tricky troll words on there!
  • Extension: Play ‘Little bird spelling’



Tricky words this week: our / have / like





  • Write a postcard to someone that you miss and can’t wait to see!
  • Design the front of the postcard!
  • Remember to first say your sentence, then write it, using the sound mat to help you segment the sounds in the words.
  • Don’t forget to ask questions in your writing and use the correct punctuation year ones!
  • Ask an adult if you can take a photo of your writing, then they can put it onto Tapestry or email it to me! I can’t wait to see it!
  • Remember your capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces year ones!


  • When you go on your walk this week, see if you can find any long branches – why do you think that they’re there?
  • Can you draw a bog baby? On the back write a sentence about bog babies, what do they look like? Where do they live? What do they do?
  • Extension: Write 5 sentences about bog babies, remember your capital letters and full stops.



  • PAUSE the video. What do you think a ‘bog baby bus’ is?
  • Follow the bog baby bus around your house.
  • Write Greg a message telling him about where the bog baby bus went! E.g. 1. sofa, 2. stairs, 3. bed.
  • Make your own bog baby bus tickets.
  • Extension: Can you make rules for the bog babies whilst they are on their bus? Are they allowed to stand up, do they have seat belts?


  • PAUSE – What word has Greg got from the message centre? (in)
  • PAUSE – What is the second word? (leaves) – this is likely to be tricky for them to sound out!
  • PAUSE – What is the third word? (crunchy) Talk about how ‘y’ makes the ‘ee’ sound when it is at the end of words.
  • Can you draw your own magic phone with secret words, numbers and passwords?
  • Extension: Write a letter to Greg telling him about your magic phone. What does it look like? What does it do? Does is have any super powers?





  • Create your own train ride at home, ‘ee ee what can you see?’
  • Make a list of all of the things that you see on your train ride around the house!
  • I wonder if you will spot anything with the ee digraph in it! Pics of ‘ee’ things here if you want to print and stick up around the house! Alternatively, you could draw the pictures. Or write the words (sheep, feet, sleep, tree) and your child could sound the words out and read them – they could then draw a picture of the word.
  • Extension: Write 5 sentences using ee words. e.g. He had smelly feet that were purple and bumpy.


  • ‘ai’ Create a snail trail around your house using cushions/chalk on floor outside/pieces of paper. Place an ai word on each cushion and move around the trail that you have made, reading the ‘ai’ words.
  • Extension: Add the snails with sentences to the trail and read those on the way too!
  • ai resources here:





Reception sounds this week: ng / ai / ee          Year 1 sounds this week: ng / ai / ee


Use Hedgehogs class page to remind the children of how we learnt the sound and the rhyme and action to go with it:



  • Use concrete objects to help find the answers e.g. cubes, lego, pasta pieces.
  • Year ones should be recording their answers independently. Reception could have their answers recorded for them, or perhaps take it in turns to record the answer.
  • Have a number line to hand to support with forming numbers correctly.


  • Reception: Play Matching > 1 to 10

  • Year one: Play Counting Out > 1 to 10 words

  • Extension Year one: Write out the number names 1 -10 e.g. one, two, three…

Check that your numbers are the correct way around and you have spelt the number names correctly.


Reception: Number bonds > Up to 20 > Addition within 20 (This is quite a challenge! Use objects to help!)

Year one: Number bonds > Addition within 100 (tens).

Extension Year 1: Up to 100 > Make 100 (tens).


  • Reception: Find out how old everyone is in your family and write down their age.
  • Extension Reception: Talk about who is the oldest/youngest and how we know. Write the ages in order.
  • Year one: Practise counting in 2s using
  • Extension year 1: Make your own counting in 2s number line.



  • Make a potion, cake, mud pie, playdough or help to make lunch or dinner.
  • Weigh the different ingredients e.g. the ingredients in your sandwich – ham, butter, bread.
  • Talk about what ingredients are the heaviest and which are the lightest. Can you order the ingredients from lightest to heaviest?
  • Can you read the numbers on the scales?


Weekly Learning Project and extra ideas to enhance children's play and learning

This week we are focussing on Space!

First, watch ‘Back to earth with a bump’ on youtube or, read some of your own space books! 


Design your own planet:

  • Think about your planets colour and size!
  • Who is going to live there? Can they walk or do they float on your planet?


What would you take to space?

  • Talk about your favourite things. Why are they your favourite? Do you need them?
  • Write a list of 10 things that you would take to space.
  • Extension: Write a sentence to explain why you would take these things to space.


Space dot to dot:

  • Use your number line to help you find what number comes next if you get stuck.


Space word search:

  • Look for the initial sounds in words first.

One less space challenge:

  • First, count the objects, then find one less.
  • Can you record the number that is one less? Use your number line to check that you have formed your number correctly.
  • If you do not have a printer, this could be replicated with toys, or space snacks!


Make some space snacks:

  • Alternatively, encourage your child to help you to prepare a special space snack or lunch.
  • Maybe they could make a rocket using their sandwich, or stars using pieces of fruit!


Maths mosaic:


Spaceship junk modelling:

  • Using recycling, make your own spaceship!
  • You could read and follow these instructions ‘Alien spaceship’: or make your own!
  • Alternatively, you could use cushions and sheets to make your own rocket!

