Friday 19th June
Hello everyone
Before you get started on today's work, listen to Bill WIthers' 'Lovely Day' to put a spring in your step and a smile on your face!
Ask someone to test you on Monday's spellings (or test yourself!) Follow the link to try the Friday maths challenge, complete your English work and then spend the afternoon finishing any unfinished work. If you did not complete it earlier this term, have a go at the design competition - you might win £100!
Well done for making it through another week of home-schooling.
Have a lovely day (and a lovely weekend!)
Thursday 18th June
After you have completed the morning's English and maths work, watch the video clips and complete the interactive activities about renewable energy. After that, make a poster to explain what renewable energy means with some illustrated examples. Alternatively, you could write a speech to explain what renewable energy is and explain why we should be not be burning fossil fuels.
Wednesday 17th June
Hi everyone,
After the maths and English work in the morning, watch the video clip and complete the online activities about the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians. I am looking forward to seeing your posters!
Tuesday 16th June
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well and hope that you have a good day today. I hope you enjoy the creative writing in English this week - I'm looking forward to reading your work!
Monday 15th June
Hi everyone!
I hope you had a good weekend. For English today, write a dictionary definition for each of the words on the spelling list. Even many adults confuse 'practice' and 'practise.' (Practise with an 's' is a verb and with a 'c' is a noun).
In the afternoon, try the art activities suggested on the BBC Bitesize website by clicking the link below.