At Barnham CEVC Primary School, we believe that spelling has a direct effect in all areas of the curriculum and is crucial to developing a child’s confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
Priority of spelling, at Barnham, has been significantly raised and we aim to secure a love of the English language where children are curious about words.
At Barnham, we provide children with a range of spelling strategies throughout the school which cater for different learning styles.
Spellings remains a focus at Barnham and children are taught spellings according to the rules and words contained in Appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum.
Early spelling is taught through phonics work in Reception and Key Stage 1 using Little Wandle: Letter and Sounds. As children move to the end of Year 1, into Year 2 and Key Stage 2, the emphasis shifts from the teaching of phonics to the teaching of spellings using our spelling curriculum. However, phonic support and intervention is still provided for children in KS2 should they need it.
Barnham's spelling curriculum is organised into 2-week blocks, with each block covering a particular set of key concepts, including spelling patterns, etymology and morphology and reasoning about spelling. These blocks are made up of three lessons per week: 2 x 15 minute discrete Spelling lessons each week. Revisiting and incremental progression occurs both within and across year groups.
Children are assessed at the end of each term to monitor their progress and planning is adjusted to support the closing of any gaps.