Home Page


Learning for Thursday 2nd November. Please email your learning to I can't wait to read your Guy Fawkes facts!

Welcome to Moles' class page!


Our team:

Miss Larnie Garner (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)   

Mrs Moira King (Thursday and Friday)

Teaching Assistants: Miss Mariana Balugas

                            : Mrs Mandy Holder


Important information:

PE: Our PE will be on Mondays. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit and have earring removed before school.

Outdoor Learning: Our Outdoor Learning will be on Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing clothing suitable to spend time outside. This will happen regardless of the weather so warm clothing, coats, wellies and sun hats are advised. 


Chocolate Cake | POEM | Kids' Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen

We love this version!

Hunstanton Trip


Hedgehogs and Moles had the best day at the beach.


Through play, the children built up their resilience, problem-solving skills and perseverance. It was amazing to see their confidence grow as they explored their surroundings.  Of course, every beach day needs to finish with an ice cream!  What a wonderful way to (nearly) finish the year   


“The Wash Monster was awesome!” - Eric

“My best bit was watching the waves crashing.” - Jan
“This was the best day ever!” - Bella

20.5.24 Playing with cornflour and water

30.4.24 Measuring in grams

29.4.24 Exploring mass

24.4.24 Making rockets inspired by Mae Jemison

I'm back!

It was so lovely to be back at school after my maternity leave! I am really looking forward to working with Moles and getting stuck into learning lots together. 
