Monday 8th February
Hi everyone
The school is closed today (and so is the online school!)
Your job today is to have as much fun as possible in the snow.!
If you can, please take a photo or two of a snowy scene and photos of you enjoying the amazing snow. I would love to see them!
If you would like a challenge, can you make an animal from snow? (Perhaps a snow dog or a reindeer?)
There will still be a Google meet at 9.15 for those of you who would like to share what they enjoyed doing at the weekend and what you plan to do today.
Have fun!
Tuesday 9th February
Hi everyone
Don't forget to click on the link to join inn with the Google meet at 9.15. Click the link below at 9.15:
We are continuing our work on fractions this week. You have been doing really well so far.
For English this week we are going to look at the poetry of John Lyons. I was so impressed with your poems in the autumn term and I think you will enjoy today's video clip which features the poet himself.
Today is Safer Internet Day. Follow the links below to watch the video clip, read some top safety tips and then complete the quiz. Afterwards, make a poster (or better still, a slide show) to help the class stay safe online.
Have a good day!
Wednesday 10th February
Hi everyone
See you on the Google meet at 9.15!
More fractions work this morning and then, inspired by the video of a real-life poet yesterday, I thought we would all have a go at writing a poem of our own about our experiences in the snow this week. Start by making a mind map to record how the snow appealed to each of your senses (what you could see, hear, feel, smell and taste). Then record your ideas in a poem. YOu could start each line with 'It was a snowy day . . .- (But you don't have to!)
It was a snowy day and the laptops were turned off!
It was a snowy day and rosy-cheeked children caught snowflakes on their tongues
I can't wait to read your poems! (Please type them on the doc attached below)
In the afternoon, complete the quiz and watch the Oak Academy science lesson by clicking in the link below. Afterwards, answer the questions on the Google doc below. (There is a copy in Word format if you would prefer to print it off).
Thursday 11th January
Hi everyone
Don't forget to join the Google meet at 9.15.
We are continuing with equivalent fractions - it will get easier!
For English, watch the video and then complete the attached worksheet, writing sentences using synonyms for 'happiness.'
In the afternoon, please take the opportunity to something outdoors. Maybe you could take some more winter photos? Perhaps you could make a bird feeder? Perhaps you could enjoy taking a winter walk?
I would also like you to take the chance to finish any unfinished work (especially your snowy day poems) and then send them in to me. I have reattached the video clip to show you how to do so if you are still not sure.
Have a good day!