Computing at Barnham
At Barnham, we want all pupils to embrace the opportunities created through technology and to become e-confident to help prepare them for the ever changing world. They will be able to explore new technologies and for learners to be extended and supported whilst keeping themselves and others safe online. We aim for technology to be an integral part of school life, used appropriately to support learning and teaching.
All teachers follow the Keychain Computing scheme of work. These units of work have been developed by the NCCE to ensure there is full curriculum coverage within computing.
Keychain Computing Long Term Overview
Pupil Perceptions
Sophie (Year 6 Pupil) "I love the new technology for computing because it is easy to use and easily accessible for everyone in the school."
Classroom Computing
Today was an exciting day for Otters; we managed to set up our google accounts on the new Chromebooks!!
Google Sheets
This week Otters have explored the software 'Google Sheets' located on Google Drive. They have learnt that google sheets can store data within a database and that this data can be filtered and sorted. To start this unit of work, the children were given a range of cell coordinates (for example, C5, D6, H7) and the children had to fill the cell with a specific colour to create a shape, icon or person. Can you guess who it is?