This week's timetable
SPaG - Grammar
Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's SPaG lesson. Please could you complete Lesson one: To explore simple sentences. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)
SPaG - Spelling
Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's spelling lesson. Please could you complete Lesson one: To investigate suffixes - past and present tense. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)
Can you please watch the Whiterose Video on Area: Counting squares and complete the worksheet along side. You can check your work after it's been completed by looking at the answer sheet provided. If you want a challenge, take a look at the twinkl greater depth questions :)
I have uploaded a half arithmetic test for you to practice some arithmetic questions from. The answers are at the end of the test. You have all of this week to have a go at these and I will upload a new one each week for you to try. Maybe try a few questions each day and then practice any you are finding difficult again. They are not a test though, they're just practice questions.
Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's History lesson. Please could you complete Lesson one: How do we know about the Shang Dynasty? You will need to watch the video and then complete the quiz :)
Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's Literacy lesson. Please could you complete Lesson one: To activate prior knowledge and consider historical context. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)
Can you please watch the Whiterose Video on Area of Rectangles and complete the worksheet along side. You can check your work after it's been completed by looking at the answer sheet provided. If you want a challenge, take a look at the greater depth questions :)
Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's History lesson. Please could you complete Lesson two: How did the Shang Dynasty begin? You will need to watch the video and then complete the quiz :)
Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's Literacy lesson. Please could you complete Lesson two: To read a recount and answer retrieval and inference based questions. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)
Can you please watch the Whiterose Video on Area of Compound Shapes and complete the worksheet along side. You can check your work after it's been completed by looking at the answer sheet provided. If you want a challenge, take a look at the greater depth questions :)
Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's Science lesson. Please could you complete Lesson one: What are forces? This is our new Science topic which you will be learning about for the next 6 weeks! It is called 'Forces'. You will need to watch the video and then complete the quiz :) Also take a look at the Forces word map to learn some new vocabulary for this topic.