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Week Beginning 1st June

Friday 5th June

Hi everyone
There is some English and Maths work below for the morning.  In the afternoon, complete any finishing off,  have a go at the Springwatch quiz and then get some tips fro the YouTube clip to learn how to draw an insect.  Don't forget to sign up to '30 Days Wild;'  Ethan has been up to the challenge and has even enjoyed a wild swim!  What have you been up to?  Do let me know! 
Have a good weekend. 

How to draw a fly step by step - Insect drawing easy for beginners

Thursday 4th June

For today's English lesson, watch the BBC Bitesize video clip as a final recap on semi-colons.  Go on to complete the other activities explained on the same web page.  You could either write a description of Helga, using the video clip for ideas, or you could invent and describe a character of your own.  It should be fun;  I'm look forward to reading your descriptions. 

In the afternoon, watch the science video by following the link below.  complete the online activity and, with a parent's permission, complete the experiment. 

Wednesday 3rd June

For today's English lesson, watch the BBC Bitesize video clip as a final recap on semi-colons.  Go on to complete the other activities explained on the same web page.  You could either write a description of Helga, using the video clip for ideas or you could invent and describe a character of your own.  It should be fun - and i look forward to reading your descriptions. 

Tuesday 2nd June

I have found two videos to help you understand how to use semi-colons and to copy and complete the sentences on the attached worksheet (you do not need to print it out).  Don't panic if you know how to use semi-colons yet; many adults do not know how to use them either!  If you do finish quickly, try to write three sentences of your own featuring semi-colons.    
For the afternoon, I have posted a link to an exciting eco-schools competition with a chance to win £100.  Also, sign up to '30 Days Wild' (it is free) if you have not already done so and try to do something fun outdoors each day.  

Monday 1st June

Hi everyone
I hope you all had a lovely half-term and hope you had some fun outside in the glorious sunshine.  I will be in school all week so I will not be able to regularly respond to emails but I know that you are all experts now at home-learning!
I have eased you in with some fairly gentle work.  Follow the link to the online maths tutorial for the 1st June's lesson.  The worksheet and answer sheets are attached below.  There is a mental maths challenge too.  I have combined today's spelling and handwriting with a SPAG activity on modal verbs 
In the afternoon, please sign up for the 30 Days WIld pack by following the link below. Can you do something wild outdoors each day?   In the afternoon, carry on with Mrs Jameson and Mrs Gower's art project and also do something wild outdoors (for example, some gardening, some outdoor art work, some mini-beast hunting or some tree-climbing - let me know what you get up to!)
