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Summer Term Week 5

Friday 22nd May

Well done!  You have made it through another half-term of lock-down!  Today, follow the link below to have a go at the Friday challenge for maths.  For English, there is a spelling activity and you also have your stories to write.  In the afternoon, take the time to finish any work that you need to complete.  As an additional challenge (which can be completed over halfg-term) please send me a Powerpoint presentation of photos of some of the things you have done since we have been off school (they can be work or play related).  I would love to add your presentations to the home-learning page 'Superstar Squirrels' on the school website.
Also, if you did not resend your report comments, as requested last week, please email them to me as soon as you can (tell me your 'wow' moments, what you enjoyed doing, what you feel you are good at and what you would like to get better at).   Email me at under the subject 'Report Information.'
I hope you and your families have a lovely half-term.  

Thursday 21st May

I have set some French for the afternoon.  You do not have to print off the worksheets.  (I know how expensive the ink cartridges are, having just ordered new ones at home!)  You can just practise your French and can tell the answers to an adult (or a brother or sister at home).  By the way,  I forgot to mention on the video that 'je n'ais pas de . . ' means I do not have a . . . .
Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

Wednesday 20th May

Hi everyone!
Once you have completed this morning's English and maths work, I have set some science work this afternoon which links with the encounter the children had in the river with a piranha.  You can either make a poster, with information under subheadings (as shown on the website) or you could make a Powerpoint presentation (or even make your own video) to teach Con all about the piranha.  If you would like an extra challenge, find out if piranha are the only river fish with teeth.  

Tuesday 19th May

English and maths this morning and then some history this afternoon: follow the link below to find out about Tutankhamun.   
Have a good day!

Monday 18th May

Hi everyone
I hope you all had a good weekend.  What did you get up to?  I spent a bit of time at my allotment trying to straighten and strengthen my wobbly fruit cage: it was a test of my very limited DIY skills!  
After your Englsh and maths work this morning, carry on with your art project and enjoy some PE of your choosing. (if you are looking for the video tutorials for the maths on the White Rose Hub, please note that we are one week behind!)
If you have completed your art project, you might like to do some art work of your own inspired by one of the artists you have looked at with Mrs Jameson and Mrs Gower - such as Kandinsky - or a favourite artist of your choosing.  
Have a good day!
