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Eco School

Our 2019-2020 Barnham CEVC Primary Eco Council


















Minutes of the Eco-Council Meetings 2019-2020

January 2020: The Eco-Council met to share their hopes and dreams for a more environmentally friendly school and wider community in 2020

July 2018: We are so proud to have been awarded the coveted Green Flag Award!

Eco Committee 2017 - 18

Congratulations to the following children who have been chosen to represent the school as members of this year's Eco Committee:


Year 1: Alice

Year 2 Jake

Year 3: Ewan

Year 4 Lily

Year 5 Harvey

Year 6: Cameron 


Mr Holman is our teacher representative and Mrs Burton is our parent/governor representative.  Mr Banbury (site manager) and Mrs Cronin (bursar) are also Eco Committee members.  

This year we are hoping to achieve the prestigious Green Flag award for our efforts to ensure that Barnham Primary School community is doing all it can to make the look after our environment.   


Barnham CEVC Primary Green Procurement Policy 2018

Wildlife Watch Club learned about hedgehogs and made these marvellous models with clay and pine cones

Love the t-shirt!

Scavenger hunting to build a 'nature rainbow ' at the Wildlife Watch Club

Badger Class have made a seahorse and Fox Class have made a dolphin decorated with waste plastic to highlight the problem of plastic pollution in our seas. The artwork will be displayed at the Suffolk Show.

Sara from Suffolk Wildlife Trust presented us with the beautiful 'Lost Words' book of 'spells' to bring back to life words to do with nature which have been removed from the Children's Oxford English Dictionary.

Poems and watercolours by Badger Class inspired by 'The Lost Words' book

Badger Class are trying to reduce the amount of plastic we use. We made plant pots from newspaper. The pots and be planted straight into the soil as they are compostable!

Otter Class planting trees and making paper pots to sow beans

Bird-ringing: thank you to Phoebe and Tristan's parents for demonstrating how rings are put on birds to help us to learn more about their numbers.

Year 3 and 4 visited the water-mill to learn how the mill pumped water to irrigate the vegetable garden as well as providing the power to grind up to 8 bags of flour a day!

Year 3 and 4 visited the bio- gas facility on the Euston Estate to learn about renewable energy. We learned that maize is used to produce gas that is used to supply gas to 3,500 homes.

Badger Class wrote to the major supermarkets to express our concern about the amount of plastic packaging that is used and which often ends up polluting our oceans. Here are the replies we have received so far:

Year 4 visit to the water recycling centre at Chelmsford


The Eco Committee would like you to design a poster to promote the Barnham Eco Code. You can use ICT\ or draw the poster by hand. All entries will be photographed and exhibited on the’ Eco’ pages of the school website. The winning entries (chosen by the Eco Committee) will be laminated and displayed around the school. Good luck!


Barnham’s Eco Code

B arnham is eco-friendly

A lways recycle paper

R e-use as much as possible

N ever throw rubbish on the floor

H elp to compost fruit and veg waste

A lways remember to turn the taps off

M ake Barnham a better place

Thank you to everyone who made a poster to promote our eco code!

Reduce, recycle, and reuse! Look at our fabulous birds made from recycled materials. We made them as part of of the '1000 Birds of Peace' recycling project. The birds are to form part of an exhibition in The Apex this Christmas.


Eco Committee 2016 - 17


Green Flag Award

We are striving to gain the  Green Flag Award for our school.  In the spirit of democracy,,  Holliy Lennon, Ethan and Edith were elected as members of the Eco Committee by their peers.  


Mr Holman is our teacher representative and Mrs Burton is our parent/governor representative.


Attached below are examples of Year 6 Powerpoint presentations used in the hard fought election campaign. 

Meet the Eco Committee

Year 6 Eco Committee Powerpoint Presentations

Eco Committee launching the poster competition

Recycling and composting poster competition entries -wonderful posters everyone!

Planting a hedgerow around the perimetrer of our new school field

Fairtrade Fortnight: 27th February - 12th March

Following last week's assembly about Fairtrade. the children in KS2 will be using Fairtrade bananas to make banana muffins which will be sold at break times.  The money raised will be donated to the Fairtrade Foundation which campaigns for farmers to be paid a fair price for the food they produce.  

Thank you to the PTA for using and promoting Fairtrade products

Fairtrade Fortnight: Assembly Powerpoint Presentation

Badger Class made delicious muffins with Fairtrade bananas for a cake sale to raise money for the Fairtrade Foundation

Eco Council conducting a vote to choose the members of our new 'Spark Squad.'

Introducing 'Spark Squad' to the school and parents in sharing assembly, 20th January

Feed the birds

Constructing our new hanging bird table - thank you, Mrs Lee!

Eco School Committee Meeting Minutes: October

Eco Committee Meeting Minutes: November

Eco Committee Recycling and Composting Competition

Forest School 2016/17

Below are some photographs of some of the projects that we have been involved with over the past two years as we aim to make our school and our community as environmentally aware and has environmentally friendly as possible.

Learning about the ecology of our school pond and pond-dipping with Lorna from 'The Greenlight Trust' (July 2016)

Creating a pine tree nursery

Tree dressing and tree planting with Mia from 'The Greenlight Trust' (Autumn 2015)

Growing potatoes, carrots and maize supplied by the Euston Estate (Spring 2015)

Planting bulbs, Autumn 2015
