Our 2019-2020 Barnham CEVC Primary Eco Council
Eco Committee 2017 - 18
Congratulations to the following children who have been chosen to represent the school as members of this year's Eco Committee:
Year 1: Alice
Year 2 Jake
Year 3: Ewan
Year 4 Lily
Year 5 Harvey
Year 6: Cameron
Mr Holman is our teacher representative and Mrs Burton is our parent/governor representative. Mr Banbury (site manager) and Mrs Cronin (bursar) are also Eco Committee members.
This year we are hoping to achieve the prestigious Green Flag award for our efforts to ensure that Barnham Primary School community is doing all it can to make the look after our environment.
The Eco Committee would like you to design a poster to promote the Barnham Eco Code. You can use ICT\ or draw the poster by hand. All entries will be photographed and exhibited on the’ Eco’ pages of the school website. The winning entries (chosen by the Eco Committee) will be laminated and displayed around the school. Good luck!
Barnham’s Eco Code
B arnham is eco-friendly
A lways recycle paper
R e-use as much as possible
N ever throw rubbish on the floor
H elp to compost fruit and veg waste
A lways remember to turn the taps off
M ake Barnham a better place
Eco Committee 2016 - 17
Green Flag Award
We are striving to gain the Green Flag Award for our school. In the spirit of democracy,, Holliy Lennon, Ethan and Edith were elected as members of the Eco Committee by their peers.
Mr Holman is our teacher representative and Mrs Burton is our parent/governor representative.
Attached below are examples of Year 6 Powerpoint presentations used in the hard fought election campaign.
Fairtrade Fortnight: 27th February - 12th March
Following last week's assembly about Fairtrade. the children in KS2 will be using Fairtrade bananas to make banana muffins which will be sold at break times. The money raised will be donated to the Fairtrade Foundation which campaigns for farmers to be paid a fair price for the food they produce.