Hello Hedgehogs,
I hope you had a great week off in the beautiful sunshine!
I cannot wait to hear about what you have been up to!
I am back in school full time now so may not be as speedy replying to you as normal, but keep your photos, Tapestry uploads and emails coming, and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
If you would rather chat on the phone,
give school a call and I will get back to you as soon as I can J
01842 890253
Reading – If possible, children should read to an adult daily in addition to the below:
- Enjoy snuggling up in bed with your favourite book, read to you by an adult.
- Talk about how the characters in your book might be feeling and why.
- Talk about feelings and that it is ok to feel upset or angry at times. Talk about ways that we can help ourselves to feel happier. What makes you happy?
- Find a book at home about animals.
- What animals are in the book? Do you like this story? Why or why not?
- Look for all of the words that describe the animals and tell us what they look like – these are called adjectives!
- Extension: Can you complete a book review? The template is here: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/resources-2/
- Talk about which words rhyme/sound the same.
- Extension: Make a list of the rhyming words.
- Ask everyone in your family to choose their favourite book from your book collection.
- Ask them to read you their favourite page.
- Talk about why it is their favourite page.
- Extension: Find your favourite book and tell someone about your favourite page and why it is your favourite. You could even write about it!
Tricky words this week: was / of / by
- Write a letter to me about what you did in half term. Remember to first say your sentence, then write it, using the sound mat to help you segment the sounds in the words. (Grown ups – don’t worry if the words are not spelt correctly, I would expect to see words like this e.g. favourite, as f-ai-v-r-i-t.
- What did you see and do? What did you eat? What was your favourite part and what are you looking forward to this week?
- Ask an adult if you can take a photo of your writing, then they can put it onto Tapestry or email it to me! I can’t wait to see it!
- Remember your capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces year ones!
- Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 15’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io0hnynWHKQ
- When you go on your walk this week, see if you can find a feather – who do you think it might belong to? Draw a picture of what you would look like with feathers. What colour feathers would you choose. Label your picture.
- What number has Greg got? (16) What is one more than 16?
- Extension: Write about what you would do and look like if you had feathers.
- Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 16’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEdISdb1mT4
- PAUSE the video before Greg reveals what is in the magic mustard tin. What do you think is going to be inside? Use your sound mat to sound out the words and write down what you think is going to be inside. Were any of your guesses right?
- After watching the clip of Greg, fill your own magic tin with 8 items from around the house. Lay them out and take it in turns to take one away and guess what is missing!
- Use adjectives to describe your items e.g. a golden, soft and fluffy teddy.
- Extension: Can you write down what items you chose, using adjectives to describe the items.
- What can you hear? PAUSE the video and quickly write it down.
- Write labels saying ‘geep’ and the secret code! Put it where you think the Fidgets might find it!
- Draw what you think the Fidgets house might look like! Label it so that I know what the different parts are. Think about what they might need in their house!
- Extension: Design their house on a planning sheet, build their house, then review it – thinking about how you can make it even better next time! Planning sheet here: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/dt-and-art/
- Listen to Greg’s story of the three little pigs.
- Can you draw or build three brand new houses like Greg?
- Add a secret special number and name to every house!
- Play ‘what's on the tray’ – lay all of the items out and cover with a tea towel. Remove one item – can they guess what it was? Take it in turns to remove items and guess what has been removed!
- Repeat Monday’s activity with a new sound.
- Write a sentence using one of the words.
- Repeat Monday’s activity with a new sound.
- Say a sentence with the missing object e.g. car – my car was incredibly fast.
Reception sounds this week: qu / ch / th Year 1 sounds this week: ur / er / ar
Use Hedgehogs class page to remind the children of how we learnt the sound and the rhyme and action to go with it: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/hedgehogs-4/
Use concrete objects to help find the answers e.g. cubes, lego, pasta pieces. Year ones should be recording their answers independently. Reception could have their answers recorded for them, or perhaps take it in turns to record the answer. Have a number line to hand to support with forming numbers correctly.
- Reception: Play Counting Out > 1 to 10 numbers
Check that your numbers are the correct way around.
Reception: Number bonds > Up to 10 > Addition within 10.
Year one: Number bonds > Subtraction within 20.
Extension Year 1: Up to 100 > Addition within 100 (tens)
- Use the ‘3D shape hunt’ sheet to go on a hunt for 3D shapes in your house, in your food cupboards or on your walk!
- 3D shape hunt sheet and names documents here: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/resources-3/
- Which did you see the most of? Which did you see the least of?
- Help to lay the table for dinner.
- How many forks altogether? How many knives altogether?
- How many cups altogether?
- Use the part whole diagrams to complete some addition number sentences about the things on your dinner table: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/resources-3/
- Make some of your own too!
- Make a potion, cake, mud pie or playdough.
- Weigh the different ingredients using scales.
- Talk about what ingredients are the heaviest and which are the lightest. Can you order the ingredients from lightest to heaviest?
- Can you read the numbers on the scales?
Weekly Learning Project and Extra Ideas
To Enhance Children's Play and Learning
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to develop their enjoyment for writing and mark making through our much-loved topic of pirates!
Create a map!
- Can you hide a piece of special treasure and make a map so that someone can find it?
- Remember to draw clues on the map so that they know where to look!
- Don’t forget, x marks the spot!
Write a letter
- Captain Big Belt wants to know if you have seen any treasure recently?
- Write him a letter telling him whether you have seen any treasure and where it is! Maybe you could ask him some questions about what he has been up to as well! If you send them to school, I will give them to Harold the Parrot and Harold can deliver them! …you might even get a reply!
Message in a bottle:
- Talk to your child about people working or being out at sea and needing to send messages home.
- What could they use if they did not have a phone?
- Pirates used messages in bottles! Create your own message in a bottle!
- There is a template on the resources page: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/resources-3/
- Alternatively, putting a message in a real bottle would be great fun! I wonder who you would send it to?
Pirate dot to dots:
- Complete the pirate dot-to-dots whilst practising your counting!
- Talk about what number comes next e.g. what number comes after 13?
- The link for the dot-to-dots is here: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/resources-3/
- Use a number line to help you find what number comes next.
Pirate flag:
- Create your own pirate flag! Remember to put something scary on it to frighten the other pirate ships!
- What colours are you going to use? You could even make a flag using leaves and different resources from outside! I can’t wait to see how you decide to do it!
Have a pirate party!
- Prepare food together.
- Count out plates and cutlery.
- Make pirate party decorations and dress up as pirates!
- Make a plank (this could be from sticks, cushions, blankets or even boxes!) …I wonder who will have to walk the plank!