Friday 15th May
Hi everyone
I hope you have had a good week. I have set the usual English and maths for the morning. For the afternoon, please send me your report information (if you have not yet done so) and take the time to finish off any work from this week. When you have finished all your work, you could use the time to do your own project. You could plant some seeds, do a drawing , make a model or -with an adult's help - try the Friday maths cooking challenge by following the links below.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday 14th May
Thank you to those of you who resent your report comments - I do appreciate it. If you have not yet done so, could you please send them to my email address: under the subject heading 'Report Information.'
This afternoon, click on the link to the BBC Bitesize Science page. Watch the video and complete the online 'fill in the gaps' activity. Afterwards, design a poster to illustrate and explain seed dispersal. As an extra challenge, you could research examples of plants which disperse their seeds in the different ways explained on the video clip.
I am in school today and tomorrow so will not be able to respond to emails during the school day. just do your best and try to enjoy it! Have a good day.
Wednesday 13th May
Hi everyone,
Sorry to be a pain, but could I ask you to email me again with your report comments, please? (You need to describe 1) your 'wow' moments, 2) what you have enjoyed doing, 3) what you feel you are really good at and 4) what you would like to get better at doing. (I do have Cam, Will, Lily and Ayiana's comments already but I think some of the others got sent to the 'stream' page and I cannot track them down.
Could you please send your report comments as a private email message at and give the email the subject title 'Report Information'
Thank you very much.
How are your map skills? I have given you some geography work this afternoon. I have also suggested a spelling game that you might like to try out with someone at home. Let me know what you thought of it. Did you manage to beat your partner?
Have a good day.
Tuesday 12th May
I am in school today (and again on Thursday and Friday) so will not be able to respond to emails during the day. I have attached English and Maths work for the morning and French for the afternoon. I have added a couple more homemade YouTube videos, which i hope might help you with your learning. (I notice I now have 7 subscribers - so I only need another 999,993 more to get a gold YouTube disc like Joe Wicks!)
I hope you have a good day.
Monday 11th May
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a good weekend. Did you do anything to celebrate VE Day? Do let me know! There is some English and Maths work below. As it is a Monday, carry on with Mrs Jameson's art project and do some PE this afternoon. You could do the Joe Wicks workout, or check out Mrs Shepperson's PE page on the school website for some ideas. Have a good day.