March 2017
We were delighted to be able to open our doors to the local community, and share with our visitors a taste of life at Barnham CEVC Primary School.
Our choir started the evening with their beautiful singing, this was followed by a presentation from Mrs Arnold describing the exciting curriculum and where the school is at now, along with plans for the future. Following this our guests had the opportunity to see a glimpse of the school in action with activities taking place in each classroom.
The evening was memorably rounded off by the choir singing 'Get back up again'.
A huge thank you to all that attended for supporting our school and for your kinds words of support.
Photographs below by Brit Doran
A beautiful Smallholding
- a few minutes walk away!
We are exceptionally delighted to have made links with the wonderful Mr & Mrs Jordan in the village. Their Smallholding provides a myriad of learning opportunities for learners across the school.
This year Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children have visited the small holding and discovered all about the changes that occur in Spring, along with understanding further the breeding cycle of lambs and pigs. Children were fascinated to get up close and personal with both lambs and pigs.