(Approx. 30 mins – 10 min teaching video, 20 mins activity)
- Join in with the nursery rhyme ‘1,2,3,4,5’
- Make a pretend phone call to persuade someone to let you buy gingerbread! (or maybe you could even make a real phone call with your grown ups! – Can you persuade them?)
- Read back Miss Doherty’s sentence.
- Write the sentence ‘Can I get it?’ Then, read your sentence to the person/teddy next to you.
- Think about what punctuation goes at the end of the sentence. Because it is a question, we need a……question mark!
- Write another 3 persuasive sentences. Say the word, robot the word, write the word.
Maths (Reception):
Maths (approx. 30 mins)
- Which dot plate does not belong?
- Use 2 identical glasses – can you make one full and one empty?
- Point to the glasses that are full/empty/nearly full/nearly empty.
- Explore filling different glasses with different amounts of liquid – full / empty / nearly full/ nearly empty.
- Device to watch the video
- Glasses/cups that are transparent.
Maths (Year One):
(Approx. 30 mins)
- Watch this video: ‘Compare groups of objects’ (9mins)
- Pause video at different points and complete challenges. (20mins)
- Complete warm up ‘Tuesday warm up’ sheet
- Complete worksheet ‘Yr 1 Tuesday Maths’.
Activity/ Resources:
- Paper, pencils
- Device to watch video
- Separate sheet (Yr1 Tuesday Maths warm up + worksheet)
- Watch Miss Sutton’s video and join in with: flashcards/game/weird writing/phonics play
- Game: Hunt a sound! Put your binoculars on and take your phase 3 list of sounds (attached in resources called ‘Phase 3 hunt’) around the house. What can you find with those letters? When I went into my kitchen I also found juice (they may write it as j-oo-s – this is perfect!), soil outside for ‘oi’ – I couldn’t find anything for ear or y though, can you find anything?
- Weird writing: Mix up some mud paste, like Miss Sutton’s, to write some of your phase 3 sounds – practise any that you like! Use your phase 3 sound mat to remind you of the sounds to practise.
- Phonics play – Choose a game to play to recap Phase 3 sounds. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/