School Attendance
Regular attendance at school is important for continuity of learning. We aim for an annual attendance of 100%. However, we do appreciate that during the course of a school career there are likely to be occasions when absence is unavoidable and acceptable. These notes explain the approach we follow to manage attendance.
Types of Absence
Each absence is classed as authorised or unauthorised. When we consider whether an absence is to be authorised or not we follow the DfE guidance. Absences are coded as authorised where reasons are considered valid and unauthorised where no explanation or unacceptable reasons are given.
If your child is unable to attend school through illness you should inform us personally, by note or telephone on the first day of absence. It would also be useful to know the expected day of return. We are obliged to contact parents to seek explanations for children's absence if you do not supply us with this information. This is in order that we may be sure of the child’s whereabouts.
Where the child is absent through illness or medical appointments this will normally be counted as authorised. Where we have concerns over absence patterns through illness we may ask to meet parents and seek further information from health professionals in order to gain a fuller picture of the problems and to offer support.
Medical / Dental Appointments
It is generally better if medical/dental appointments can be arranged outside school hours, but we accept that this is not always possible. Where children need to attend such appointments during the school day it is important that parents come first to the main office before collecting children. Please bring your child to the office on returning from the appointment. This is in order that the child is registered in the event of emergency evacuation. Please inform your child's class teacher in writing in advance of such appointments and indicate whether s/he will be returning for the midday meal.
Emergency Occasions
There are some occasions eg bereavements, family problems, etc where it may be inappropriate for children to attend school; we will be sympathetic to such needs.
Please ensure that your child arrives at school so that they are present for registration; this is done at 8:50am am each day . Meeting and exchanging news with friends before school is important for the children's social development. Lateness causes problems over lunch money/numbers, register marking and missed instructions. Where a genuine reason for lateness exists this will be an authorised absence but where explanations are inadequate then an unauthorised absence will be recorded.
For any questions/queries about attendance and absence, please refer to our attendance policy.