It is a terrific Thursday! We have nearly made it to the end of the week.
I can't wait to see all of your smiley faces at 9:30 and group d at 2:45.
Don't forget we have out Feel Good Friday tomorrow. I wonder what activities you will choose to do!
For our mindfulness activity today I would like you to draw a picture of what you can see out of your window. Choose a window in your house and have a go at drawing what you can see. I can't wait to see them.
Have a fabulous day.
Miss A
There will be a live Music Session today at 1pm-1:30. The link will be posted onto the Google Classroom Stream at 12:50.
You will need:
- a wooden spoon (reasonably sturdy)
- a cushion or pillow (that is ok to be hit with the wooden spoon!)
- a metal or sturdy plastic container (tuppaware box, pot or pan, that can be also hit)
- a plastic bottle with the top on, filled with rice, pasta or something similar.
Healthy and safety note - If any of the above break during the session (unlikely, but just in case), please stop using it and get whoever is it home to dispose of it, as it may be unsafe to use.
I can't wait to see you all there!