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Pupil Premium

We recognise the importance of ensuring each and every child achieves their full potential.

The document below outlines how we maximise the use of pupil premium funding to impact on children's attainment and engagement in their learning and wider opportunities.

The Pupil Premium Grant



What is Pupil Premium funding?


The Government introduced the Pupil Premium (PP) as a way of reducing the inequalities experienced by disadvantaged pupils up to the age of 16. This funding (which is currently£1,320 per pupil) is given to schools based on the numbers of pupils in receipt of free School meals (FSM), looked after or adopted children. This figure also includes any pupil who has been in receipt of FSM in the previous six years of their schooling, whether or not they are currently entitled.


How do we know the best ways to use the funding effectively?


As a staff team we have looked carefully at the 10 recommendations of John Dunford to ensure that our pupil premium funding is used to maximum effect.

Our projects for this year have been carefully selected, based on the needs of research from The Education Endowment Foundation and Sutton Trust, to ensure that our funding is utilised in the most efficient way to maximise impact for our learners.





