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PSHE/RSHE at Barnham


Barnham CEVC Primary School is committed to providing a high quality educational experience for all pupils. Our curriculum defines and supports the whole ethos of our school to Inspire, Cherish and Believe.


At Barnham, our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE/RSHE) curriculum brings together healthy relationships, social responsibility and personal well-being, whilst promoting fundamental British values.


Although PSHE and RSHE are taught through discreet lessons, it is also integrated into all activities, assemblies, educational visits, and extra- curricular clubs. There are frequent opportunities provided in school which encompass PSHE education, including (but not limited to) sports tournaments, celebrations assemblies, Year 6 Crucial Crew, Circle Time assemblies and Eco councils.


It is intended that we will offer an aspirational, cohesive whole-school approach which inspires our children to achieve their full potential, whilst empowering them to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society..


We follow the Scarf RSHE Programme, in conjunction with the PSHE Association to inform our curriculum planning. 

