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Week 6 (11.05.20)


I’ve added an extension part to the plan this week (mostly for year ones) so if they are whizzing through the work and you want to challenge them, try these! J


Don’t forget that there is now a ‘resources’ Iink at the top of this page where there are lots of additional bits to help you!

Let me know if there is anything else that I can add to it, to help you at all.


I am in school this week so, if you would like to chat over the phone, please drop me an email or phone school and I’ll get back to you asap! It would be lovely to hear from you!



Reading – Children read to an adult daily + aim to do one of the below, per day.

  • Read a variety of books at home. Favourites can be repeated. Hearing the patterns of language in a story will support your child’s language development.
  • Look at recipe books and food magazines. Encourage your child to use their phonics knowledge to decode the ingredients list. Select a recipe and make this together.
  • Encourage your child to read the labels on packaging before tucking in to them!
  • Head to oxford owl to find e-books at your child's reading level following the link below. Select a book from the letters and sounds Reception: Phase 2/3. Year one: Phase 5.

Discuss the following questions (year one to write answers):

  1. How is Daisy feeling? Why is she feeling this way?
  2. How would you feel if you were made to eat something that you didn’t like?
  3. Would you eat it if you could have all of those extra treats?
  4. Why did Daisy’s mum keep sighing?


  1. What are illustrations?
  2. How did I know from the illustrations that Daisy was getting cross?
  3. First estimate, then make a tally of how many times Miss Suttons says ‘peas’.
  4. If you were making a story about what you didn’t like to eat, what would it be called? Why?


Tricky words this week: all / are / is


Writing - Aim to do one per day (So glad you enjoyed this last week - the videos are even more exciting this week! I’ve recently befriended Greg so send me lots of photos of your leaning inspired by him and I can forward them on!)


You’ll need pen and paper ready this week – to use whilst watching the videos as Greg needs your help!


Monday: Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 5

  • Talk /write a sentence about where your secret number would take you.
  • Extension: Draw and label a picture showing where you would be transported to. Write 5 sentences about what it looks like and what you could see there.


Tuesday: Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 6

  • Draw a secret symbol to help get Greg off of the super swing!
  • Draw and hide your secret symbol again, as Greg suggests!
  • Extension: How do you think the super swing got there? What was it attached to? Do you have anything like the super swing at home or near you in the forest? Write a little message to Miss Sutton, telling her about it!


Wednesday: Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 7

  • Work out the number sentences with Greg – see if you can beat him to the answer!
  • What two numbers could add together to make the number 4?
  • Hide numbers around the house to complete Greg’s challenge!
  • Extension: (Parents – reveal other numbers in a secret hiding place like Bob the brick). Encourage the children to use these numbers to make their own number sentences. Write down each of the number sentences e.g 4 + 2 = 6. Use a number line to check that your numbers are facing the right way.


Thursday: Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 8’

  • Help Greg to unscramble the robot words, say the word aloud.
  • Take it in turns to chop and blend words using the sounds for this week – examples of real and beegu (nonsense) words here to give you some ideas:
  • Extension: Write down the word. Put it in a sentence: First, say the sentence then, write it down.


Friday: Watch ‘Play school TV Episode 9’

  • Make your own obstacle course with ‘numbers of doom’ – these could be written on objects, on the floor outside with water or chalk, or on labels…its up to you!
  • Use a number line to make sure you are forming your numbers correctly.
  • Complete the ‘How many hops does it take to…’ chart. Link for the chart here:



Phonics – Aim to do one per day

  • Daily phonics – (Focus on one sound each day) Play 'find it first' – Children to write each of the sounds on a separate piece of paper. Hide them in a hat/bowl. Pick a sound out, say it. Race to find an object, book or packet with this sound on! Repeat with other sounds.
  • Play ‘Grab a giggling grapheme’ on If this link doesn't work, try this one: Reception: Phase 2/3 Year 1: Phase 3/5
  • Try some of the other games too, let me know which your favourites are!
  • Read and sort the words into real and beegu (nonsense) piles – there are words for each sound already made here:
  • Thursday’s Play School TV has a phonics focus too – see above!


Reception sounds this week: j / v / w / x           Year 1 sounds this week: i-e / u-e / er


Use Hedgehogs class page to remind the children of how we learnt the sound and the rhyme and action to go with it:


Maths – Aim to do one per day

  • Explore weighing and measuring food on the kitchen scales. Ask, what happens as you place more on the scales? Order items based upon their weight e.g. Bag of flour one end and crisps the other end.
  • Play ‘Hit the button’ on Top marks to practise number bonds to 10 and 20.

Reception: Number bonds > Make 10 

Year one: Number bonds > Make 20.

Extension for Year 1: Number bonds > Addition within 100

  1. Have pen and paper ready for your child to record their answers.
  2. Year one: Have a number line ready (there are some in the resources section here:
  3. Reception: Have objects ready to help you count e.g. pieces of lego, pasta etc.
  4. Reception: Click ‘Level 1’ > Click ‘Addition’, Click ‘Up to 10 Adding ones’
  5. Year one: Click ‘Level 2’ > Click ‘Addition’, Click ‘Up to 25’
  6. Once the children have recorded all of their answers (Reception children could tell you the answer and you could record it if they are finding recording it tricky), get them to check their answers at the end and put a tick or cross next to each answer. It would be great to repeat this daily.
  7. Extension for year one: Click ‘Level 3’ > Click ‘Addition’, Click ‘Two digit numbers’. Don’t forget to record your answers!



Weekly Learning Project and extra ideas to enhance children's play and learning

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn about food!


Healthy or unhealthy?


Play shops

  • Using toy food, old packaging, or food from the cupboard, help your child set up a food shop!
  • Act out being the shopkeeper and customer.
  • You could introduce coins to support their developing knowledge of money.
  • Give them a notepad to use as a shopping list to encourage in the moment writing and recording of number sentences e.g. apple 2p + beans 4p = 6p
  • Extension: Children could label the different food items with their name and a price on each.


Home restaurant!

  • Make your own restaurant at home!
  • Help your child to think of a dinner option that everyone at home will enjoy.
  • Encourage them to help you with the preparation as it is their restaurant! You can be their helper!
  • Encourage them to make a poster for the restaurant door and most importantly to make a food and drinks menu!
  • Prompt your child to ask everyone in the family what they would like to eat and drink! Give them a notepad and pen to record their answers from different family members!
  • Encourage your child to help lay the table – counting out how many pieces of cutlery and plates they’ll need etc.
  • Encourage them to help serve and clear away the food at their restaurant.
  • I wonder whether your restaurant serves dessert too?


Fruit or vegetable printing with artist Lynn Flavell

  • Watch the video above.
  • Enjoy creating your own art with fruit or vegetables!


  • How many different coloured fruits were there in the video?
  • Why do you think the artist uses a sponge rather than a paintbrush?
  • Can you remember the 3D name for an orange? (Sphere)
  • Can you make a repeating pattern e.g. blue, red, blue, red / green, yellow, red, green, yellow, red.
  • Can you make a picture of a face using different fruits or vegetables like the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo?


Pasta necklaces

  • Make your own pasta jewellery!
  • Carefully thread the pieces yourself.
  • You could paint them or colour them in too.
  • Can you make a repeating pattern with your pasta colours?
  • You could send your jewellery to a friend or someone you are missing to let them know that you are thinking of them!
  • How many pieces of pasta have you used for your bracelet? Do you think you would need more or less for a necklace?



