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‘High attainment depends on good attendance.’


Barnham CEVC Primary School is committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all its pupils and recognises this can only be achieved by supporting and promoting excellent attendance for all.  This is based on the belief that only attending regularly and punctually will children and young people be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them.  We recognise and celebrate children’s good attendance at school in a wide variety of positive ways.



There are 190 statutory school days each school year, leaving 175 days for family time, appointments, holidays etc.

Our school target is 97%

When you take 10 days holiday throughout the year, you will only be able to achieve an attendance rate of 95%, this is without any illness.

The Education Welfare Officer regularly visits school and monitors all of our pupil attendance rates, intervening when a child's attendance level is causing concern.  When a child's attendance falls below 90% this is classed as persistent absence and will trigger involvement and conditions from the Education Welfare Officer. Additional support will be given to families, from our family support practitioner and other and depending on the circumstances this can include support from other agencies and professionals.