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Week 1 (23.03.20)

Week 1

Please upload all of your super learning onto tapestry, I cant wait to see it!

We know that the brain thrives on routine, repetition and predictability.

If you can't carry on with your normal daily routine during this time, try to create a new rhythm.

There are some activities that have an additional recommendation for year one children.


Reading / Writing / Phonics / Maths - Please choose one from each section daily


Reading – Children to read to an adult daily + aim to do one of the below, per day.

  • Read a variety of books at home. Favourites can be repeated. Hearing the patterns of language in a story will support your child’s language development.
  • Head to oxford owl to find e-books at your child's reading level following the link below. Select a book from the letters and sounds phase – phase 2 or phase 3.

  • With your child, look in magazines, newspapers and books for the tricky words they are currently learning. They could use a highlighter to highlight in magazines and newspapers.Tricky words this week: the / to / I


Writing - Aim to do one per day

  • Ask your child to draw a picture of the people who live in their house. If they share time across two houses, draw who lives in each house. Can they label their family members using their phonics knowledge? Year one: Can they write two sentences about each family member e.g. what they look like, what they like to do, why they love them.
  • Practice name writing. Can they write their first name? Use the hedgehog class page on the school website to ensure they are forming their letters correctly – use the rhymes to support their letter formation.
  • Can they write the names of their family members? Do they know Mummy and Daddy’s real name? They could copy this or use their phonics knowledge. Can they write this? Using chalks outside, crayons and paint or felt tips. If you’ve got old flour or sand, they could practise forming the letters in this in a tray too. Year one: Write a letter/ postcard to someone in your family. Use capital letters for peoples names, fingers spaces between words and full stops at the end of sentences.
  • Ask your child to write out the tricky words they are working on at the moment on pieces of paper and turn them into a pairs game.
  • Make a birthday card for the next family birthday - How old are they going to be? Can they write the numerals to show the correct age? Write a message inside for your family member and sign it with your name.


Phonics – Aim to do one per day

  • Sing Nursery Rhymes and songs together. Add in actions and change the words. Can children think of different rhyming words to add in? Repeat old favourites and learn new rhymes. You can find an A-Z of nursery rhymes here:
  • Daily phonics – (Focus on one sound each day) Hunt for the sound – look for items in the house beginning with s e.g. salt, picture of a sun, socks, Sellotape, sardines. Play with the children to hunt for the items. If they pick up a bat for example model pinching the sounds in that word e.g. b-a-t and remind them that we want to find an object starting with the sound ssssss. Year one: Label the items.
  • Play ‘the tray game’ – place a number of items with the same initial sound, on a tray e.g. apple, picture of an ant, toy airplane, toy alligator, toy ambulance, avocado. Discuss the objects on the tray, emphasising the initial sound of the word. Cover the tray with a teatowel and secretly remove one item. Can children spot what is missing? Take it in turns to cover and secretly remove an item.

Reception sounds this week: s / a / t / p           Year 1 sounds this week: ay / ou / ie


Use Hedgehogs class page to remind the children of how we learnt the sound and the rhyme and action to go with it:


Maths – Aim to do one per day

  • Watch a numberblocks clip on cbeebies use this guide to give you ideas on what to do with your children whilst watching an episode. It is important to use these clips as a hook for conversation and activity.
  • Practise counting up to 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc. Year one: Up to 50 or up to 20 in jumps of 2s / 5s.
  • Write out the digits 0 - 10. Year one: Write the number names too e.g. 1 one, 2 two etc.
  • Practise recognising amounts up to five or up to ten by playing games. This can be done by reading a dice when playing board games e.g. counting the number of spots on the dice, playing with cards and recognising numbers, identifying how many food items on the plate, counting the stairs as you go up and down etc. Year one: Play ‘number bonds – make 10 – hit the button’
  • Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles. You could set up tinned food as the ten green bottles and knock them over as you count.



Weekly Learning Project and extra ideas to enhance children's play and learning

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to gain a better understanding of their own family, whilst developing their self-esteem and positive sense of self.

Our family

  • Look at a selection of family photographs and discuss the changes over time.
  • Show your child a photograph of them as a baby, a 1 year old, a 2 year old. What could they do at that age? What can they do now that they couldn’t do then?
  • Look at a picture of a family member as a baby (this could be parents, siblings). Discuss how everyone was a baby once.
  • Are there any black and white photographs? Why are these photographs black and white? Do they show older family members when they were younger? Talk about how life was different then.


Draw a family tree

  • How does your family link together?
  • Can your child draw out their family members and link them together using lines?


Have a family picnic

  • Lay out a blanket in the living room or garden.
  • Can children make sure everyone has a plate, fork, spoon, cup? How many do we need all together? How many more do we need?
  • Give your child a selection of food and ask them to share it fairly between everyone. Each one each / two each.
  • If there is one left over what could we do?


Sort out the clean clothes.

  • Who do they belong to?
  • Can they deliver them to the right place in the house?
  • Pair up socks. Can they match the patterns/ colours?
  • Can they count in twos to work out how many there are all together?
  • Peg clothes on the airer (this will support children to develop hand strength which will impact on their writing).



Put on a show or performance

  • Perform a story or song to your family.
  • Plan out costumes and make props.
  • Children could make a show program.


Lay the table for your family for dinner

  • How many people are there?
  • How many knives, forks, cups do you need?
  • Write out name cards for everyone in your family to show them where to sit.
  • Write a menu to let them know what is for dinner that night.
  • Roleplay as a waiter/ waitress.
  • What would everyone like in their sandwiches for lunch?
  • What drinks would everyone like to have with their dinner?


Play a family board game

  • Play a game together.
  • Talk about taking it in turns and playing fairly.
  • Dice games will support your child’s number recognition.
  • You could use a spinner with numerals on to help develop numeral recognition. If you don’t have a spinner you could make one using an old cereal box and a split pin.


Find out everyone’s favourite song in your family

  • Listen to each person’s favourite song and make up a dance to match.
  • Do you like the same music?
  • What is your favourite song?

