Happy Monday Moles!
Can you believe that we are already on week 3?! I am so proud of all of your home learning so far and I can't wait to see what amazing things you achieve at home.
I have adapted the home learning this week following feedback from you and your grown-ups! There are more outdoor learning tasks, more online games and if you cllick back onto the main home learning page you can see all of Miss Potter's favourite apps.
Please make sure you send us an email, we would love to hear from you!
Monday 18th January 2021
Session 1: It’s a PE with Joe day! Miss Potter joins in at home so make sure you do too!
Session 2: Check your Spelling Shed app for the new sounds Miss Potter has set.
Session 3: Do you know what a label is? Watch the slides below – make sure you have a pencil and paper to do the writing. You do not need to print anything.
Session 4: We are making patterns today. You could cut out your own shapes to make your own. You do not need to print the slides, just have a pencil and paper and pause the video to complete the patterns on your own piece of paper.
Session 6: Watch the slides, we have got some tricky new vocabulary to learn!
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Session 3: We are getting creative today, watch the slides to find out what your challenge is:
Session 4: It’s an alien day today! You need a pencil and paper whilst you’re watching Miss Potter:
Session 5: Check out TTR to practise your timestables.
Session 6: Last week we learnt about a very famous astronaut. This week we are learning about another significant individual that is English AND has been to space too!
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Session 1: Join Joe Wicks in his live PE lesson at 9am!
Session 2: Look on Spelling Shed to see the challenges Miss Potter has set.
Session 3: We are making posters today so you will need your own piece of paper and some coloured pens! Watch the slides first:
Session 4: Can you remember what a pictogram is? We are going on a shape hunt today. Watch the slides:
Session 6: It’s time to get outside and get creative, we are making natural numbers today. Take a photo of the numbers you make, perhaps you will spot them in our Maths area at school next time we are there!
Thursday 21st January 2021
Session 3: Do you remember some of the signs we had up at school? Let’s make some for the moon to help Bob. Watch the slides first:
Session 4: This is a tricky one, 3D shapes and their faces! Watch the slides:
Session 5: Go onto TTR and practise some of the times tables.
Session 6: Last week you painted Van Gogh’s Starry Night. We can always improve and get better, follow the step by step instructions to see if you can create an even better picture.
Friday 22nd January 2021
Session 1: It’s the final PE with Joe of the week and it’s Fancy Dress Friday! Bonus points if you can dress up for it (make sure you send a photo to Miss Potter).
Session 2: Look on your Spelling Shed app to see what sounds you have to finish.
Session 3: Why would we go to the moon? Let’s think about it. Watch the slides:
Session 4: Yesterday we looked at faces, today we are looking at edges. Watch the slides carefully:
Session 6: Can you complete the reading comprehension below? You do not need to print the sheet, just right the answers on a piece of paper!