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Sharing our Worries

As a whole school we have explored what it feels like to be worried. Mrs Arnold opened her worry bag and let some of her worries out and together the children were able to offer solutions and solve her worries.


Each classroom has a worry box or a worry bag where you can post any worries you may have, you do not need to put your name on your worry, if you do not want to.


Your teacher will make sure that they read any worries in the box/bag and they will help to find the best way to stop your worry.

Sometimes, this could be by asking the ideas of your friends or theclass, or by asking another adult for the best way to solve your worry.


We always want to hear any worries you have, however small they seem, as we know that the worries can get heavier if we do not squash them quickly enough.







Letting our worries out
