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Music at Barnham

We are currently developing our music curriculum, using a scheme called 'Charanga'. Enabling the children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning.

They will have the opportuntity to learn about the same musical concepts through different musical activities enabling a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills.


All of the activities are based around a song. They will enjoy:

  1. Games that embed the Interrelated Dimensions of Music through repetition
  2. Singing - at the heart of all the musical learning
  3. Playing instruments with the song to be learnt - tuned/un-tuned classroom percussion and an option to play any band instrument.
  4. Improvising - with the song using voices and instruments 
  5. Composing with the song using instruments occurs in some Units of Work
  6. Performing - to a range of audiences throughout the academic year.


Additional musical extra curricula clubs are offered to across the school:

  • Choir
  • Guitar (Year 4)
  • Ukulele 