Monday 23rd March 2020
Attached below are my teaching slides and tasks for Literacy, Maths and SPaG. The learning objective for Literacy is based on reading comprehension and the learning objective for Math is focused on problem solving involving finding the volume of a shape.
For reading, I have taken pictures of the text and uploaded them; however, you will need to zoom in to read them.
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Attached below are my teaching slides and tasks for Literacy, Maths and Science. The learning objective for Literacy is based on reading comprehension; the learning objective for Math is focused on ratio; and science is learning focused on grouping animals.
For reading, I have taken pictures of the text and uploaded them; however, you will need to zoom in to read them.
Maths Information
This week the focus will be learning about ratio. Please follow the link: to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson one (Ratio Language). Watch the tutorial, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Attached below are my teaching slides and tasks for Literacy, Maths and SPaG. The learning objective for Literacy is based on reading comprehension; the learning objective for Math is focused on ratio; and SPaG is learning focused on changing nouns and adjectives to verbs.
For reading, I have taken pictures of the text and uploaded them; however, you will need to zoom in to read them.
Maths Information
This week the focus will be learning about ratio. Please follow the link: to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson two (Ratio and Fractions). Watch the tutorial, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
If you finish, feel free to complete the mastery questions (greater depth questions).
Thursday 26th March 2020
Attached below are my teaching slides and tasks for Literacy, Maths and Science. The learning objective for Literacy is based on reading comprehension; the learning objective for Maths is focused on ratio; and science is learning focused on curious creatures.
For reading, I have taken pictures of the text and uploaded them; however, you will need to zoom in to read them.
Maths Information
This week the focus will be learning about ratio. Please follow the link: to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson three (Introducing the ratio symbol). Watch the tutorial, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
If you finish, feel free to complete the mastery questions (greater depth questions).
Friday 27th March 2020
Attached below are the tasks for Literacy and Maths. The learning for Maths is still focused on ratio. For literacy, I would like you to write a book review based on the book 'Shackleton's Journey'. I have attached a book review template to give you some ideas. To achieve greater depth within this piece of writing, I would like to see sentences being extended using semi colons, parenthesis and a range of conjunctions. In addition to this, you need to back up and justify your points by referring back to, and using text references to support your writing. I can't wait to read them!
Maths Information
This week the focus will be learning about ratio. Please follow the link: to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson four (calculating ratio). Watch the tutorial, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
If you finish, feel free to complete the mastery questions (greater depth questions).
Friday 27th March 2020: Homework Update
The following pages need to be completed by Wednesday 1st April 2020.