(Approx. 30 mins – 10 mins teaching video, 25 min activity)
- Join in with the song.
- Re-tell either yours or Miss Doherty’s persuasion piece using hers/yours persuasion map.
- Step your persuasion piece using your map.
- Say your sentence, robot it, then write it.
- You can use the sheet to support you if wanted – ‘persuasive actions’
- Paper, pencils
- Device to watch video
- Separate sheet called ‘Persuasive actions’ – template for writing not necessary but may support.
Maths (Reception):
Maths (approx. 30 mins)
- Watch this video: ‘Session 5 – How many are hiding?’ (Alive in 5! - Week 2) (7mins)
- Pause video at different points and complete challenges.
- Device to watch video.
- Teddies or toys.
- Something to hide toys in e.g. box, bag, jumper etc.
Maths (Year one):
(Approx. 20 mins)
- Watch this video: ‘Tens and ones’ (9mins)
- Complete warm up ‘Thursday warm up’ sheet
- Complete worksheet ‘Yr 1 Thursday Maths’
Activity/ Resources:
- Paper, pencils
- Device to watch video
- Separate sheet (Yr1 Wednesday Maths warm up + worksheet – page 2)
(Approx. 20mins)
- Watch Miss Sutton’s video: ‘ure’
- Pause it at the relevant points for your child to answer any questions, practise letter formation or to fill in each part of the sheet.
- The sheet is called ‘Phonics: ure'.
- If you do not have access to a printer, please don’t worry – children can write it out on a piece of paper, the sheet isn’t necessary but may just be handy as a reference.