Collective Worship
Click on the link to view who is leading today's Collective Worship:
Maths - Interpret charts (Lesson 1)
- Click on this link:
- Watch the tutorial and stop the video at each section to complete the questions.
- Answer the questions from the worksheet (found at bottom of today's lessons).
- Check you answers.
- Click on this link for today's lesson:
- Watch the video until 8:45 minutes (you may skip the section on prepositions if you wish 2:50-4.26 minutes).
- Complete the model verbs worksheet which is attached at the bottom of Monday. (You only need to complete one sheet; the first is the easiest and the third is the most tricky - can you challenge yourself?)
R.E. - Islam - What is the holy book of Islam? (Lesson 4)
SPaG - Setting descriptions
Times Tables
- Practise all of your times tables on TT Rockstars.
- Spend 15 minutes today learning your Times Tables.
- You might like to challenge me to a Rock Slam!
- Please let me know if you need to move up levels - I can see that lots of you are doing amazing!
Spellings - adding the suffix -ly exceptions
Collective Worship
Click on the link to view who is leading today's Collective Worship:
Maths - Comparison sum and difference (Lesson 2)
- Click on this link:
- Watch the tutorial and stop the video at each section to complete the questions.
- Answer the questions from the worksheet (found at bottom of today's lessons).
- Check you answers.
Science- Plants - Life cycle of a plant (lesson 4)
SPaG - Expanded noun phrases
Times Tables
- Practise all of your times tables on TT Rockstars.
- Spend 15 minutes today learning your Times Tables.
- You might like to challenge me to a Rock Slam!
- Please let me know if you need to move up levels - I can see that lots of you are doing amazing!
Spellings - adding the suffix -ly exceptions
Collective Worship
Click on the link to view who is leading today's Collective Worship with Vicar Karen:
Maths - Introducing line graphs (Lesson 3)
- Click on this link:
- Watch the tutorial and stop the video at each section to complete the questions.
- Answer the questions from the worksheet (found at bottom of today's lessons).
- Check you answers.
PSHE- Black Lives Matter (Lesson 4)
SPaG - Inverted commas (speech marks)
Times Tables
- Practise all of your times tables on TT Rockstars.
- Spend 15 minutes today learning your Times Tables.
- You might like to challenge me to a Rock Slam!
- Please let me know if you need to move up levels - I can see that lots of you are doing amazing!
Spellings - adding the suffix -ly exceptions
Collective Worship
Click on the link to view who is leading today's Collective Worship:
Maths - Line graphs (Lesson 4)
- Click on this link:
- Watch the tutorial and stop the video at each section to complete the questions.
- Answer the questions from the worksheet (found at bottom of today's lessons).
- Check you answers.
Geography - Rivers
SPaG - Imperative and Model Verbs
Times Tables
- Practise all of your times tables on TT Rockstars.
- Spend 15 minutes today learning your Times Tables.
- You might like to challenge me to a Rock Slam!
- Please let me know if you need to move up levels - I can see that lots of you are doing amazing!
Spellings - adding the suffix -ly exceptions
Collective Worship
Click on the link to view who is leading today's Collective Worship:
Maths - Friday Challenge!
- Click on this link:
- Watch the tutorial and stop the video at each section to complete the questions.
- Answer the questions from the worksheet (found at bottom of today's lessons).
- Check you answers.
French- Je Peux... (I can)
- Click on the link:
- Click on 'Login Home School'
- Click 'FREE if your school uses Language Angels' (I have emailed you the Username and Password via Parentmail).
- Click on the Dashboard tab at the top of the page.
- Select 'Entry Level - Unit 1 - Je peux ...(I can)' - Lesson 1 - Start lesson.
- Watch the PowerPoint.
- Click Games Arcade and play any games in the 'Je Peux...' section.
SPaG - Non-chronological
Times Tables
- Practise all of your times tables on TT Rockstars.
- Spend 15 minutes today learning your Times Tables.
- You might like to challenge me to a Rock Slam!
- Please let me know if you need to move up levels - I can see that lots of you are doing amazing!
Spellings - adding the suffix -ly exceptions