Monday 20th April
Attached below are the tasks for Literacy, Maths and SPaG. The activity for Literacy is a reading comprehension; the learning objective for Math is focused on angles; and SPaG focuses on words functioning as more than one class.
Maths Information
Please click on the Whiterose Maths link above to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson 5 - Calculate angles (under week 2). Watch the tutorial, answer the flashback, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
Tuesday 21st April
Attached below are the tasks for Literacy, Maths and Science. The activity for Literacy is a reading comprehension (you only need to complete pages 11-16); the learning objective for Maths is focused on opposite angles and Science focuses on animal identification.
Maths Information
Please click on the Whiterose Maths link above to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus lesson 1 - Vertically Opposite Angles (summer term, week 1). Watch the tutorial, answer the flashback, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
Wednesday 22nd April
Attached below are the tasks for Literacy, Maths and SPaG. The activity for Literacy is a reading comprehension; the learning objective for Maths is focused on angles in a triangle and SPaG focuses on past participles.
Maths Information
Please click on the Whiterose Maths link above to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson 2 - Angles in a Triangle (summer term, week 1). Watch the tutorial, answer the flashback, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
Thursday 23rd April
Attached below are the tasks for Literacy, Maths and Art. The activity for Literacy is a reading comprehension (you only need to complete pages 11-16); the learning objective for Maths is focused on angles in a triangle and Art focuses on sketching.
Google Classroom
Please, please, please can you complete the report information on google classroom; then hand it in to me or email it to:
Maths Information
Please click on the Whiterose Maths link above to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson 3 - Angles in a Triangle - special cases (summer term, week 1). Watch the tutorial, answer the flashback, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
Can you please sketch an animal or a plant that you identified in our science lesson on Tuesday. Please send them to me: - I can wait to see them.
Friday 24th April
Attached below are the tasks for Literacy and Maths. The activity for Literacy is a reading comprehension the learning objective for Maths is focused on missing angles in a triangle.
Google Classroom
Please, please, please can you complete the report information on google classroom; then hand it in to me or email it to:
Maths Information
Please click on the Whiterose Maths link above to access your lesson. I would like the children to only focus on lesson 4 - Angles in a triangle - missing angles (summer term, week 1). Watch the tutorial, answer the flashback, answer the questions and then mark them using the answer sheet.
See below for information about Mrs Jameson's exciting Art Project! This project is not expected to be completed in just one day, it may take a few days or weeks :)
Can you create a piece of music that reflects your current mood? Give it ago, then send me (via google classroom) your piece of music. Just copy and paste the link onto the class page.
Friday 24th April 2020: Homework Update
The following pages need to be completed by Wednesday 29th April 2020.