It has been great to see so many of you get back into the swing of home learning
after the Easter holidays!
I can't wait to see photos of your learning from this week too!
Don't forget that you can now look at the photos of what everyone has been up to here:
Reading – Children read to an adult daily + aim to do one of the below, per day.
- Read a variety of books at home. Favourites can be repeated. Hearing the patterns of language in a story will support your child’s language development.
- Head to oxford owl to find e-books at your child's reading level following the link below. Select a book from the letters and sounds phase 2 or phase 3. Year one: Phase 3 or Phase 5
- Read your child passages of text from different sources e.g. newspaper, magazines, storybooks, websites – every time they hear you say a tricky word, they need to do a star jump!
- Tricky word hunt! Write out the tricky words and hide them around the house, who can find and read them the quickest?
- Watch Mrs Arnold reading ‘The incredible book eating boy’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUafivdE3sA&feature=youtu.be
Discuss the following questions (year one to write answers):
- ‘Henry loved books!’ Why do you love books? What is your favourite book and why? Do you like the illustrations, do you like the jokes or maybe the rhymes?
- Think about a time when you may have been too loud or too wild for your family or friends. What happened? How did you fix it?
- If you could eat a book and learn about something, what would it be? Why?
- What could Henry eat that would be healthy for him? Talk about healthy and unhealthy foods. Draw a plate of healthy food.
Tricky words this week: me / be / you
Writing - Aim to do one per day
- Draw your favourite animal and then label its different body parts.
- Write a fact file about your favourite animal e.g. where it lives, what it likes to eat etc. Reception – talk about the facts, sound out the words and record as many sounds as you can. Year one – record your facts using full sentences, remembering capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces.
- Animal ABC – Write the letters of the alphabet down the left-hand side of a page – can you think of an animal for every letter. Sound out the animal’s name before recording it
e.g. ant a-n-t, baboon – b-a-b-oo-n etc.
- Again, ask your child to help you write the shopping list. Encourage them to ask different members of the family what they would like, then to sound out the items as they write them on the list. Support them to do this, rather than ensuring it is spelt correctly.
For example, fruit spelt phonetically is: f-r-oo-t. Year one: Can they number the items on the list too, forming all of the numbers the correct way around.
- Make a diary – each day record the day of the week. Reception – draw a picture and write a sentence about what you have done today. Year one: Write 4 sentences about what you have done each day. You could write about what you are looking forward to doing tomorrow. You could even write about what you had for lunch! Remember those capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!
Phonics – Aim to do one per day
- Daily phonics – (Focus on one sound each day) Hunt for the sound – look for items in the house beginning with each sound. Label the items that they find or make a list.
- You can find all of the letter formation rhymes here: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/english-2/
- Play ‘flash card speed trial’ on https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ Try some of the other games too, let me know which your favourites are!
- Write this week’s and the previous week’s sounds on labels – put them on cars and ask them to park the cars in the garage when their sound is called – this can easily be adapted by labelling animals and putting them into their pens or even on dolls etc. Take it in turns to say the sound/find the sound.
- Check out the new link under 'Useful links>Literacy' to find phonics videos for Reception and Year one children created by the Department for Education: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/english-2/
- Create an account on ‘Teach your monster to read’ (It is free on computers or £2.99 on tablets). Children can use this each day. It focusses on sounds in a fun way with games, practising letter recognition, reading and listening skills. Each sound they complete they gain a prize for their monster!
Reception sounds this week: ck / e / r / h Year 1 sounds this week: ir / oy / au
Use Hedgehogs class page to remind the children of how we learnt the sound and the rhyme and action to go with it: https://www.barnham.suffolk.sch.uk/hedgehogs-4/
Maths – Aim to do one per day
- Play ‘Bud’s number garden’ on BBC bitesize to practise ordering numbers. Reception: Order numbers to 10. Year one: Order numbers to 20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkphbk/articles/zd4b382
- Play ‘Helicopter rescue’ on Top marks to practise number recognition. Reception: Direct 1-10. Year one: Direct 1-100.
- Go out into the garden and see what creatures or animals you can find (this could also be done on a walk or using a book with animals in). Count and record how many of each animal you find. (Just like what you did with the vehicles last week! Jack saw 50 cars last week, I wonder if you will find that many animals!)
- Have pen and paper ready for your child to record their answers. You could also have objects ready e.g. cubes, pasta pieces, buttons etc to help them count.
For example: 6 – 3. Some children may use their fingers, others may count backwards in their heads, some may find it useful to first count out 6 buttons, then remove 3, then count how many there are left – this is the method we have been using at school with Reception.
- Click the pink ‘choose’ button on the top left
- Click level 1
- On the purple tab, click subtraction
- On the green tab, click ‘up to 10’
- Click manual
- Once the children have recorded all of their answers (Reception children could tell you the answer and you could record it if they are finding recording it tricky), get them to check their answers at the end and put a tick or cross next to each answer. It would be great to repeat this daily.
Weekly Learning Project and extra ideas to enhance children's play and learning
The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn about animals that they are interested in.
Dear Zoo
Identify the birds in your garden
Learn the song ‘The animals went in two by two’
Looking after your pet
- If you have a pet at home, encourage your child to take part in their daily care.
- They could help feed, groom and clean the pet.
- Could they write to a friend to tell them how to look after their pet.
Big and small animals
- Talk about big and small animals e.g. mouse in comparison to an elephant.
- Draw big animals on one page and small animals on another page. Talk about the initial sounds of the animals names e.g. e e elephant. Year one: Write a list of big animals and small animals.
Carnivores, herbivores, omnivores
- Watch BBC bitesize’s video https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/z96vb9q
- Sort the animals that you see in your garden/on your walk/from your toy box into herbivore (eats vegetables) / carnivore (eats meat) / omnivore (eats both veg and meat).
- What are you? A carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
- If you see an animal in a story, talk about what category it would fit into.
Animal den
- Make an animal den with blankets and sheets inside.
- Enjoy pretending to be that animal inside the den.
- You could make a mask to add to your role play!