Google Meets
This week we will be having some more Google Meets! Every morning will be having a whole class meeting to talk you through the work for the day and motivate you for the day ahead! On Monday this will be at 9:25am and the rest of the week they will be at 9:05am. In these meetings it is so important that you stay muted unless we ask you to speak. We also need you to remember to be sensible like you would be in a normal lesson in school with us. Please only join the meetings at the time we have asked you to. Mrs Joubert is going to be running some maths support groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1pm. Let us know in our morning meets if you will be wanting to join her for some help!
Make sure you are logging onto Google Classroom every day so you don't miss any updates and can see the links to the Google Meets. They will always be posted a few minutes before the meeting begins. We will be continuing our Google Meet lunch time check-ins Monday-Thursday with the same groups as before at 12:30pm, where we can talk to everyone individually! We look forward to catching up with you again!
Uploading Work
It is so important that you keep uploading your work each day so we can give you feedback and understand how we can help you. The instructions on how to log into Google Classroom and upload work are below. I will also be posting a video this week to take you through it step by step as well. Every day there will be an assignment for Literacy, an assignment for Maths and one detailing the work for the whole day. Please add work to the appropriate lesson assignments where I have put a blank document for you to edit. This document is for you to add photos of you work to, or to type your work onto - choose whichever way is easiest for you. It would be really helpful if you could add work under the correct lessons so I can see who is accessing the work and completing it. Every lesson will be worth 100 points which you will receive when I return your work back to you with my feedback. Keep score of how many points you gain this week and the winners will be announced on Friday!
Learning This Week
For Maths this week, some lessons will be of me teaching you and others will be the White Rose worksheets and videos. We are continuing with multiplication so to break it down and ensure you are understanding, keep going back to my videos to help you! We are working on 2d x 2d using the long multiplication column method which we started on Friday. We will then move on to multiply 3d x 2d. If you find this tricky, please don't worry. Come along to the maths support sessions if you are unsure about anything, or please email me.
For Literacy you will be doing some SPaG, as well as starting a new unit where I will be teaching you on videos I have recorded. You will also have one lesson of reading comprehension too.
Try and spend some time reading a book, either to yourself or with someone else. If you would like to borrow some books from school, let us know and we can leave some out for you to collect. Below is a reading log for you to fill in and send to me at the end of each week. It would be great to see you filling this in every time you read! I have also added a book review template for you to fill out when you finish a book! Each day I will continue to be uploading a video of myself reading you our class story, so sit back and watch/listen to that when you can :) I hope you're enjoying it!
The timetable is to help you keep organised, however you do not have to do the tasks in this order! Give what you can a go and please get in touch if you are struggling with anything.
I have created a 'virtual classroom' in Google Classroom which has all of the important links that you will frequently use throughout the week. Use this page to help you navigate your learning quickly and with ease. It is at the top of the 'Classwork' tab.
Have a great week!
Google Meets
See you all at our whole class morning meet at 9:25am :) looking forward to seeing you! Please join the meet at 9:25am, not before. Find the link on Google Classroom just before it begins. Make sure you keep muted unless we ask you to speak. We will also see our Monday group at 12:30pm to catch up with you! When you are doing your maths work today, have a think about if you'd like to join Mrs Joubert for the maths support group on Tuesday at 1pm. Please let us know in our morning meet tomorrow if you will be coming.
SPaG - Grammar
Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's SPaG lesson. Please could you complete Lesson three: To revise complex sentences. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities. :)
Type your work out on the google doc on the Literacy assignment for Monday on Google Classroom, or upload photos of your written work to the assignment.
SPaG - Spelling
Click on the link provided below, and this will direct you to today's spelling lesson on our new topic: Suffixes. Please could you complete Lesson One: To investigate suffixes: - ate -en -ify -ise. You will need to watch the video and pause it at specific intervals to complete the activities :)
Type your work out on the google doc on the Literacy assignment for Monday on Google Classroom, or upload photos of your written work to the assignment.
Today's maths lesson will be a White Rose video and worksheet. Your lesson is following on from Friday's doing: 2d x 2d Long Multiplication. Go back to my video from Friday if you need to to help you. I have put a link to this again below. Follow the White Rose video first and then complete the worksheet. I have added the multiplication square below again if you need it to help with your times tables. If you would prefer to write in your answers from the worksheet on Google Classroom digitally, go to the assignment for today where I have created an editable copy of the worksheet for you there. Just add in some text boxes by going to the little 't' in a box on the toolbar to type your answers in. Otherwise, continue to write your answers on paper instead and add photos of your work to the blank google doc under your maths assignment on Google Classroom for today! Please check your answers using the answer sheets before sending me your work.
For an extra challenge, please complete some of the greater depth questions below and mark them using the answers at the bottom of the questions.
It is tricky, but please don't panic. If you are struggling, let us know if you will be joining Mrs Joubert for her support group on Tuesday at 1pm.
Here is your RE lesson for today planned by Mrs Sherrington! Today's lesson is on: Islam Revelation. Watch the videos and answer the questions.
Story with Miss Cross
Today's video is of me reading you Chapter 15. Let me know what you think of the story - so much is happening now! Sit back, relax and enjoy :)
Google Meets
See you all at our whole class morning meet at 9:05am :) it's Trivia Tuesday, so we will be doing a quiz! Looking forward to seeing you! Please join the meet at 9:05am, not before. Find the link on Google Classroom a few minutes before it begins. Make sure you keep muted unless we ask you to speak. We will also see our Tuesday group at 12:30pm to catch up with you! Please let us know in our morning meet today if you will be coming to Mrs Joubert's maths support group at 1pm today if you feel you need some help with your maths work. The google meet link will be posted just before it begins.
Today is your first lesson of our new unit! I have filmed a video with a powerpoint, so pause the video when you need to to complete the teacher led, paired and independent work. Below is the link to the video and the worksheet. Please complete the tasks on the worksheet on Google Classroom under today's English assignment. You can type on the Google doc or you can add photos of your written work here. I hope you enjoy our new unit :)
For today's Maths lesson, please watch this video that I have filmed of myself teaching you alongside the maths slides! Make sure you have some paper ready to do Teacher Led and the Paired Work from the slides with me. I have attached the slides below for you to see as well.
We are continuing to do: 2d x 2d Long Multiplication.
Below are the worksheets for today. If you want a challenge, complete the Greater Depth questions too. Please upload photos of your work, or type your answers onto the Google Doc under your maths assignment today on Google Classroom. If you would like to join Mrs Joubert for some extra help with maths, she is running a session at 1pm today on Google Meet.
Arithmetic - complete some more questions from the test uploaded yesterday :)
This is your third Geography lesson about the United Kingdom. This lesson is looking at: What is the geography of Northern Ireland?
Complete the questions along the way and pause the video when you are asked to. I look forward to seeing what you find out about Northern Ireland!
Story with Miss Cross
Today's video is of a special guest reading you Chapter 16! Let me know what you think of the story! Sit back, relax and enjoy :)
Google Meets
See you all at our whole class morning meet at 9:05am :) it's Wake up Wednesday, so come along to find out what we will be doing! Looking forward to seeing you! Please join the meet at 9:05am, not before. Find the link on Google Classroom a few minutes before it begins. Make sure you keep muted unless we ask you to speak. We will also see our Wednesday group at 12:30pm to catch up with you!
Today is your second lesson of our new unit! I have filmed a video with a powerpoint, so pause the video when you need to to complete the teacher led, paired and independent work. Below is the link to the video and the worksheet. Please complete the tasks on the worksheet on Google Classroom under today's English assignment. You can type on the Google doc or you can add photos of your written work here. Have fun :)
For today's Maths lesson, please watch this video that I have filmed of myself teaching you alongside the maths slides! Make sure you have some paper ready to do Teacher Led and the Paired Work from the slides with me. I have attached the slides below for you to see as well.
We are moving on to do: 3d x 2d Long Multiplication.
Below are the worksheets for today. Mark your own work once you have had a go at some of the questions. If you want a challenge, complete the Greater Depth questions too. Please upload photos of your work, or type your answers onto the Google Doc under your maths assignment today on Google Classroom.
Follow this drawing tutorial to learn how to draw a lighthouse! A great link to our Letters from the Lighthouse topic! Then try the dragon too if you want to :)
Story with Miss Cross
Today's video is of me reading you Chapter 17. Let me know what you think of the story - so much is happening now! Sit back, relax and enjoy :)
Google Meets
See you all at our whole class morning meet at 9:05am :) it's Thumbs up Thursday! Looking forward to seeing you! Please join the meet at 9:05am, not before. Find the link on Google Classroom a few minutes before it begins. Make sure you keep muted unless we ask you to speak. We will also see our Thursday group at 12:30pm to catch up with you! Please let us know in our morning meet today if you will be coming to Mrs Joubert's maths support group at 1pm today if you feel you need some help with your maths work. Try and have a go at today's maths work first by watching the video before you come along. The google meet link will be posted just before it begins.
Today is your third lesson of our new unit! I have filmed a video with a powerpoint, so pause the video when you need to to complete the teacher led, paired and independent work. Below is the link to the video and the worksheet. Please complete the tasks on the worksheet on Google Classroom under today's English assignment. You can type on the Google doc or you can add photos of your written work here. I was blown away by the amazing figurative writing you did yesterday! Look out for some fab sentences I will be sharing on Google Classroom, well done! Have fun today :)
For today's Maths lesson, please watch this video that I have filmed of myself teaching you alongside the maths slides! Make sure you have some paper ready to do Teacher Led and the Paired Work from the slides with me. I have attached the slides below for you to see as well.
We are continuing with: 3d x 2d Long Multiplication.
Below are the worksheets for today. Mark your own work once you have had a go at some of the questions. If you want a challenge, complete the Greater Depth questions too. Please upload photos of your work, or type your answers onto the Google Doc under your maths assignment today on Google Classroom. Let us know if you are coming to Mrs Joubert's maths group at 1pm today if you need some help.
Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's History lesson. Please could you complete Lesson Four: What did the Shang people believe? You will need to watch the video and complete the activities :)
Write your work up on the blank google doc on the assignment today for Thursday!
Story with Miss Cross
Today's video is of me reading you Chapter 18. Comment on the video to let me know your predictions for the end of the story! Sit back, relax and enjoy :)
Google Meets
See you all at our whole class morning meet at 9:05am :) it's our Friday Sharing Assembly, so if you have something to share with your friends, bring it along! We will be announcing out Citizen of the Week! Also please add up how many points I have given you from handing in your work this week and we will see who our Learner of the Week is with the most points! Looking forward to seeing you! Please join the meet at 9:05am, not before. Find the link on Google Classroom a few minutes before it begins. Make sure you keep muted unless we ask you to speak.
Join Mrs Arnold on zoom at 10am for the whole school sharing assembly! I will put the link on Google Classroom.
Today you will be completing a reading comprehensions about Discovering Tutankhamun's Tomb! Complete your answers on the blank doc on Google Classroom or put photos of your written work on there. Use the answer sheets to mark your work at the end!
Today's maths lesson will be a White Rose video and worksheet. Your lesson is continuing with: 3d x 2d Long Multiplication. Go back to my videos from Wednesday and Thursday if you need to to help you and prefer these to the White Rose one. I have put a link to these videos again below. Follow the video first and then complete the worksheet. If you would prefer to write in your answers from the worksheet on Google Classroom digitally, go to the assignment for today where I have created an editable copy of the worksheet for you there. Just add in some text boxes by going to the little 't' in a box on the toolbar to type your answers in. Otherwise, continue to write your answers on paper instead and add photos of your work to the blank google doc under your maths assignment on Google Classroom for today! Please check your answers using the answer sheets before sending me your work.
For an extra challenge, please complete some of the greater depth questions below and mark them using the answers at the bottom of the questions.
Click on the link provided below and this will direct you to today's Science lesson. Please could you complete Lesson Four: What are non-contact forces? You will need to complete the quiz about last week's lesson and then follow the instructions on the video. Have a go at the mini experiments in the video!
Story Time
You have a special guest reading Chapter 19 today! Enjoy :) comment to say hi..