Welcome to Squirrel Class Page.
I have included the curriculum documents, to show you the expectations of Year 5. Although these are used, the order of these may change to suit the needs of the children, throughout the year. Any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank You
Mrs Dowds
In art, this half term and before Christmas, we have studied the work of Stephen Whiltshire. He is an autistic artist who draws and paints cities, using line. He doesn’t copy from a picture, but draws it from memory, from his brief visit of that landmark.
Before we started drawing our pictures we had to explore with line. First we looked at different pencils, and the softest pencil was the 6B and the hardest pencil was 6H. After that we made our own line and mark designs.
Finally we used a picture of the Houses of Parliament to use the techniques that we had learnt.
WB: 10th January
This week in PE we have been looking at Mission X: Climb a Martian Mountain.
We got out the equipment safely, seeing how it was clipped into place and checked.
We were divided into groups where we could help support and encourage each other to climb up as high as we could and then climb back down again.
We had different activities around the hall which we moved around in our groups to have a go at. These included: climbing ropes, ladders, bench step ups and climbing across bars.
Wb- 4th January 2016
In maths we have learnt about how to make 3D shapes and prisms out of straws and polygon tiles, we found out how to tell the difference between a prism and pyramid.
By Holly and Louis
Our Learning this week- WB 9th November 2015
In maths this week Squirrel class have been learning how to use the grid and column methods for multiplication. We also got the chance to play ‘shut the box’ to help partition numbers quickly in a fun way.
Our world
Today is Children in need, therefore, in Our World we have made posters, using Pudsey, to learn about the charity. We have learnt that, to date, Children in Need has raised £790 million for good causes. This has included helping to train guide dogs in Oxford and activities in Northern Ireland for children who have Down syndrome.
By Kadie Hartwell and Mia Sheridan
Our Learning this week- Wb- 21st September
Squirrel class has been working so hard, especially in Mathematics this week.
They have extended their knowledge of addition from last week to also look at subtraction where they have been using the compact method to support them in working out multi-step calculations and word problems. Just Don't forget to regroup!
Also, Squirrel class did a beautiful performance in the Church for the Harvest Festival. Well done.
Our learning this week- Week Beginning 14th September:
In Literacy we have been focusing on 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
We have looked at the nouns and adjectives of various different sections of the story as well as looking at different viewpoints of the characters.
We will be focusing on this story throughout the half term so that the children will develop skills in story writing.
Learning this week- Week beginning 7th September
PE- This week we have been looking at how we can adapt movements to form a sequence, showing the journey of a river from the source to the mouth.
Welcome to squirrel class.
Welcome to Squirrel class.
I hope you all had an amazing summer holiday and are as exciting as us to begin a new school year. I look forward to hearing all about your experiences and adventures.
We start the year not only with new names but also a freshly painted classroom, giving us a grown up feel to begin Year 5. We have 23 children, working together with Mrs Dowds (formerly Miss Williamson) and Mr MG.
Please do come in and see us and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
See you all in the morning
Mrs Dowds
Welcome to Falcons
We are an inquisitive, enthusiastic and creative Year 5 class modelling high expectations of the school.
On this page you will be finding out all of the exciting things Falcon class will be learning about.
This half term our topic is ‘on a dark dark night’ and the children have identified what they would like to learn about this topic. This includes looking at…
The rural surroundings really inspire and influence our learning adventures. We are very excited to be taking up the challenge of being entrepreneurs and are busy planning our very own stall for the Rural Past times event.
We will be looking closely at the essential life skills of:
Keep an eye out for our stall development.
In science we have been investigating different life cycles, including an egg and an avocado, as well as dissecting tulips to label the different parts of a flower.
Year 5 and 6 worked together to dissect owl pellets. They had to write it up as a proper experiment showing their original predictions of what they would find.
It was a very messy job to find all the bones amongst the fur and hair.
We could use the key card to identify the bones in order to create our own versions of a real key card.
The stall preparation is well under way.
We have had experts in to help us with the logo and banner design, parents have been in to help with the sewing of the bunting and to create the wooden game board which has now even been painting.
Look out for the posters around school to give you more information.
Year 5 did a showcase yesterday which was a performance of the poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. We included musical instruments and costumes to really add to the effect.
Wow! What an amazing weekend at the Rural Past times event!
Children and staff spent the day selling all of the creative planters, cakes and bookmarks alongside people making donations to the school.
We were not only recognised for our hard work and creativity, the overall professional look of the stall was commended throughout the day.
We even won a rosette for the 'best trade stall' where we got to meet the Duke of Grafton who awarded us the award in the ring. Which is an amazing achievement considering how many stalls were.
Well done Team Barnham and particurlary Year 5 who had organised the whole stall. You have one very proud Teacher.