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Welcome to Badger Class

Our Staff Team


On Wednesdays, Miss Bacon will be covering Badger Class for PPA this term and Reece will be teaching PE too. 

Key Information

PE- In our class PE is on a Wednesday afternoon. Children need to come into school ready for PE and stay in their kit all day. 


Water bottles- Children need to bring in a bottle of water everyday and take it home every afternoon so it can be washed.  


Tuck- Snacks will be available to children everyday for 50p. If your child is bringing money for tuck in, please send it in a seal envelope. These are available from the front entrance on the window. A variety of snacks will be available- from fruit and yoghurt to sausage rolls. 


Sharing- If your child would like to share something with the class, please feel free to send me a photo of what it is. This saves it coming into school and getting broken/damaged or lost. 

Class Timetable

Autumn 2023

Bee Musical Playscript
