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WEEK 3 - WB 20th April

I hope that you are all well and have had a lovely Easter and have been enjoying the sunshine - I know that we have.  We managed to get our pool out, do some gardening and play lots of games together as a family.  We even managed an Easter Bingo (via Google Duo) with  our friends on our close!  


Can you send me over any photos that you would like me to add to the website.  It has been lovely seeing what some of you have been up to at home.


I have set some home learning for this week.  Try to get as much of it done as you can and if you have any problems then email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.



Monday - Read Chapter 1 of Stig of the Dump (play the PowerPoint).  You can also listen to the story being read to you by pressing the 'Reading' button.


Tuesday - In your books write the sentence stem (below) then finish the sentence.  Write 2 or more full sentences.

'I predict that I will enjoy this story because...'


Wednesday - If you could dream of going on any adventure, where would you go?  What would you discover?  Write your ideas down.  Don't forget to use adjectives (describing words) and fronted adverbials (eg, Over in the hills, the mountains would gleam in the sunlight.  During the evening, the moon would sparkle in the rippling water.).


Thursday - Complete the 'Stig of the Dump - Chapter 1 - Sorting Activity'.


Friday - Complete the 'Stig of the Dump - Chapter 1 - Reading Comprehension'.





Click on the link below to access this week's Maths Home Learning.


Monday - Make a whole (Lesson 1)


Tuesday - Write decimals (Lesson 2)


Wednesday - Compare decimals (Lesson 3)


Thursday - Order decimals (Lesson 4)


Friday - Round decimals (Lesson 5)



Monday - SPaG

Follow the link to learn about pronouns.  Have a go at the online interactive activities:


Monday - History

Take a look at the short clips about being an historian.  Can you complete the online activity?


Monday - Maths Revision

Have a go at watching these short clips about place value.  Can you complete the online interactive activity?  

(This is just a revision session for a little extra learning.)



Tuesday - SPaG

Follow the link to learn about expended noun phrases.  Have a go at the online activities:


Tuesday - Geography

Take a look at the short clips about how to read a map and use a compass.  Can you complete the online activity?


Tuesday - Maths Revision

Have a go at watching these short clips about finding 1,000 more or less.  Can you complete the online activities?  

(This is just a revision session for a little extra learning.)



Wednesday - SPaG

Follow the link to learn about past tense.  Have a go at the online interactive activities:


Wednesday - Science

Take a look at the short clips about light and dark.  Can you complete the online activities?


Wednesday - Maths Revision

Have a go at watching these short clips about rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  Can you complete the online activities?  

(This is just a revision session for a little extra learning.)



Thursday - SPaG

Follow the link to learn about adverbs and adverbial phrases.  Have a go at the online interactive activities:


Thursday - Music

Take a look at the short clips about singing.  Can you complete the online activities?


Thursday - Maths Revision

Have a go at watching these short clips about negative numbers.  Can you complete the online activities?  

(This is just a revision session for a little extra learning.)



Friday - Reading

Follow the link to learn about reading poems.  Have a go at the online interactive activities:


Friday - Wellbeing

Take a look at the short clips about teamwork.  Can you complete the online activities?


Friday - Maths Revision

Have a go at the challenges based on this week's revision.  Can you complete the online activities?  

(This is just a revision session for a little extra learning.)

Times Tables

Practise your times tables.  Spend 5-10 minutes each day on TT Rockstars - if you need to move up levels on TTRockstars then please let me know. 

Please complete the Multiplication Wheels and Division Wheels (pages 3 and 4).


Spelling Shed has been set for this week.  Please, complete the game 3 times and then Spelling Shed will be open for you to explore.  Also, complete the spelling worksheets below.

Outdoor Learning

If you are out and about then you might like to have a go at these challenges.

Picture News

Take a look at the picture news this week.  You might like to complete some of the activities related to the news.
