(Approx. 30 mins – 10 min teaching video, 20 mins activity)
- Watch Oak Academy video with Miss Doherty (10mins) ‘Lesson 2: To map and speak a persuasive piece’
- Join in with the nursery rhyme.
- Map your own ideas like Miss Doherty’s – use simple pictures to record your ideas of how you are going to persuade someone to buy your gingerbread! Keep this safe for the rest of the week.
- If you are finding making your own map tricky, you could use Miss Doherty’s to help you, or persuade someone to buy your gingerbread by using Miss Doherty’s map – it is available in resources.
- Rather than watching Miss Doherty re-tell her persuasive speech – can you retell yours to your teddy talk partner, or a family member – remember to use you map to help you!
- Paper, pencils
- Device to watch video
- Miss Doherty’s persuasion map (not at all essential).
Maths (Reception):
(Approx. 30 mins)
- Watch this video: ‘Session 4 – How many are hiding (Alive in 5! - Week 2) (8mins)
- Pause video at different points and complete challenges.
- How many dots are there? How did you group them?
- How many animals are hiding?
- Find some toys and something to hide them in!
- Hide some toys and leave some out – is the total still the same?
- How many toys can you see and how many must be hiding?
- Maybe you could try to trick your grown up!
- Device to watch video.
- Toys
- Something to hide toys in e.g. box, bag, jumper etc.
Maths (Year one):
(Approx. 20 mins)
- Watch this video: ‘Tens and ones’ (9mins)
- Complete warm up ‘Wednesday warm up’ sheet
- Complete worksheet ‘Yr 1 Wednesday Maths – JUST PAGE 1! (Page 2 is for tomorrow J)
Activity/ Resources:
- Paper, pencils
- Device to watch video
- Separate sheet (Yr1 Wednesday Maths warm up + worksheet – page 1)
(Approx. 20mins)