Rainforest Reggae
Warm Up:
Main discussion:
- Today we are looking at a type of music called ‘reggae’.
- Most reggae music comes from Jamaica – can you find this on a map?
- This reggae song is about Rainforests.
- Rainforests are dense jungle environments, home to some of the world's most endangered species of animals and plants.
- We depend on rainforests to maintain a supply of fresh water and a substantial amount of natural medicines.
Activity and questions:
- Listen to the song – concentrate on the instruments.
- What instruments do you think that you can hear?
- Why do you think they have used these instrument? Maybe you think that they are using a shaker to create the sound of rain in the forest?
- What instruments would you use to make a rainforest reggae song?
- Play the song and join in – you could sing, dance or use your instruments that you made in week 2 to join in!
- Play the song really loudly and very quietly – which one do you prefer and why?