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WEEK 2 - WB 30th March


WB: 30th March 2020

Well done Foxes on your first week of home learning.  With the sun shining has made it that much easier smiley


It has been lovely to hear from so many of you this week and all of the things you have been up to - keep the emails coming.  I would love some photos showing all of the exciting learning / adventures you have been on so I can add them to our online photo library; you might even see something that you would like to do at your house too! Please send any photos to


All of the home learning for this week is here.  Try to do as much as you can as we are just practising things you have already learnt.  But don't forget to enjoy the good weather and have lots of fun too!


Take care, 

Mrs Bird 




This week's Maths home learning will focus on dividing 2 digit numbers by 10, dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 100, hundredths and hundredths as a decimal (follow the link).  Use the tutorials to support you in your learning.  I have added some trickier Maths (in the resources) for those who would like to take the challenge.


This week we would like you to revise fronted adverbials using the link below.  Then complete one (or more if you feel like a challenge) of the worksheets below.  You don't have to print them all out, you can write them in your books.  Answers are at the bottom of each sheet - no cheating!


Please practise your times tables on TT Rockstars.  Can you challenge your friends?  Can you challenge me?!  I will see who has got the most points at the end of the week and will award you an e-certificate.

(see the times tables tab for more activities)


Spellings have been set on Spelling Shed.  PLEASE practise these this week.  Once you have played the game three times, the Spelling Shed will be open for you to explore.


Have a look Primary Picture News this week.  Think about some of the ideas and write them in your book.  Can you send some ideas to pass the time over to me so I can share with the rest of the class?  Below are some other ideas you might like to think about.


