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Blue writing (except links) is Year 1 work/extension

Don't forget to check the stories folder for new stories from Miss Sutton

and Miss Flower (Our Cambridge University Trainee Teacher)


There is also a video of Miss Flower introducing herself here (scroll to bottom of page):


(Approx. 30 mins – 12 min teaching video, 20 mins activity)

  • Watch Miss Sutton’s video.
  • Today, we are going to add speech bubbles to the characters. What do you think that they are thinking and saying? Have a chat.
  • Reception – Try writing one or two words if a sentence is a bit tricky. Really focus on the sound that you can hear at the beginning of the word. Then, try breaking it up using parrot arms, to segment each of the sounds in the word.
  • Talk about what the different characters might be saying – say your sentence, then write it.
  • Don’t forget: full sentences, focus on finger spaces and punctuation.
  • See if you can complete Miss Sutton’s challenge to use a question mark and the word ‘and’.


  • Fill in the speech bubbles linked to the characters in the story.
  • Create your own speech bubbles for characters in different stories, or for your teddies.


  • Pencils
  • Wednesday Literacy sheet (not necessary but may be handy as reference)
  • Device to watch video

Maths (Reception)

(Approx. 30 mins)

  • Pause video at different points and complete challenges.


  • You could collect teddies to represent the frogs or ducks swimming away or jumping into the pond and move them as you sing.
  • We often change it to ’10 little speckled frogs / 10 ducks’


  • Device to watch video
  • Teddies.


Maths (Year One)

(Approx. 30 mins)

  • Watch this video: ‘Subtraction – taking away – using the symbol’ (9mins)


Activity/ Resources:

  • Paper, pencils
  • Tens frame(if desired)
  • Device to watch video
  • Separate sheet (Yr1 Wednesday Maths warm up + worksheet)



(Approx.  20mins)

  • Today we are recapping sounds learnt this week and last week – th /ee / oa/ oo(short sound) /oo (long sound)
  • Watch Geraldine the Giraffe focus on oo (short sound):
  • and oo (long sound) :
  • Choose an ‘oo’ activity to complete: real and beegu oo /oo (short sound) roll & read / captionining oo words.
  • Play games on phonics play linked to our sounds from last week and this week so far!


