Class Teacher: Miss Potter
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Truman and Mrs Gower
Trainee Teacher: Mr Johnson
Make sure to check out the 'Home Learning' section every Friday!
Our PE lesson will be on a Thursday. Please send your child in to school wearing their PE kit, they can wear this all day.
We will be going to Forest Schools every Wednesday. Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothes on (wellies and layers)!
If you have any questions, please drop me an email:
Keep an eye on our class page to see our class updates!
This week we have tried Australian delicacies (fairy bread and Vegemite!) and we have been down to forest schools. It was fantastic to see how much the Moles had remembered from our habitats trip and we found lots of evidence of animals in the forest there too!
Moles were very lucky to take their habitats learning into the woods this week. We learnt all about the layers of the forest as well as the different animals we might find there.
We finished off our trip with some team work as we tried to rebuild the trees that had been cut down.
Crumbs, what a busy week! We started off our week exploring coding with the Beebots, followed by learning how to subtract numbers from another with dienes. Later in the week we created a dinosaur land (with a homemade volcano!), had a sip of a brew when learning the 'ew' sound and ended on a high with an impromptu dance party to celebrate Joe Wicks raising £1.5 million for Children in Need.
We have definitely earnt our weekend!
There have been some magical Mathematicians in Mole class this week! We have been adding two numbers together. Some of us have even looked at column addition AND regrouping! Miss Potter's socks were knocked off!
It has been a VERY exciting week in Mole Class. All half term we have been looking at traditional tales. On Wednesday we hosted a 'Cinderella Day'. We spent the day; turning pumpkin sounds into carriage words, using adjectives to describe the pumpkins, scooping them and eating them! We even had to use inference skills to work out who had lost their shoes.
It's been another super busy week in Mole class! We have been looking at Andy Goldsworthy and were inspired to create our own pieces of natural artwork. The natural resources we have collected, have been very hand as practical resources in our Maths learning too!
Last week, Moles got a letter from the Tricky Troll. He was not happy with his old, rickety bridge so we decided to help him build a new one. We wrote letters back and then looked at different bridges all over the world. We even did a work out with Joe Wicks in front of the Golden Gate bridge!
After carefully designing our bridges (just like real architects), we built them this week! Next week, we will be testing how strong and stable our bridges are.
In Literacy, we have been looking at the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We decided that the Troll needed a better bridge to live under. We have been busy designing bridges, looking at bridges from around the world and even making them in our construction area! Can you spot our replicas of the Golden Gate bridge?
What a busy first couple of weeks! We have started our phonics learning and it's already been full of surprises. One day we are digging in mud, the next the Queen is visiting!
Be sure to check your Spelling Shed account to keep practising your sounds at home.